
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hall Of Fame 2011

I just watched the 2011 Hall Of Fame ceremony, and it was pretty exciting, seeing some legends (and Drew Carey) being inducted into the Hall Of Fame... some of which I thought were long overdue. 

Unfortunately, like always the televised version is only a highlight of a couple inductions and they always leave out ones I would have really liked to have seen and leave in ones I could really care less about. 

This show started with the one I wanted to see the most ironically, The Road Warriors aka The Legion Of Doom! The greatest tag-team of all time, holding ever tag-titles in every wrestling company around the world. I don't care what the Dudley Boys claim, this is the real deal when you are talking about tag-teams. I heard a story once that Vince actually got out-bid trying to sign The Road Warriors and he was so mad he decided to go and create his own rip-off team known as Demolition, ironically my second favourite team when I was a kid lol. Basically the two biggest meanest scariest guys to ever set foot in a ring, face paint, spike shoulder pads, and just a bad attitude, whats not to like haha. Animal was there to accept along with their long time manager, unfortunately Hawk past away a few years ago. It was still a great moment and its nice to see them finally recognized for what they really are... the best tag-team of all time!

Apparentlly the inductions that were left out of the telivised program were: Abdullah The Butcher, Bob Armstrong, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, and surprisingly, the original diva, one of the hottest women in the history of wrestling, and probably one of the main reasons half the audience was tuning in, Sunny. Apparently, even though they said they would be televising her induction, they decided to televise Drew Carey's honour induction instead, I am assuming because he was paying them to promote his new show (which I am not going to promote or mention in my blog haha). I guess Sunny was very upset and posted stuff on facebook and twitter about how she got the best crowd reaction of the show and Drew was actually booed by the fans, and yet she was left off the TV show to make more time for him, I agree with her and anyone else that thinks this was a huge mistake. An important person in wrestling history, who most women would probably thank for paving the way for them gets inducted into the Hall Of Fame, and they are more interested in promoting a non-wrestlers new TV show? Give me a break! 

Oh and just out of curiosity, does anyone else find it strange that Sunny finally gets inducted after being gone for over a decade and it just happens to be the same night Shawn Michaels is being inducted lol. For those that don't know, they were secretly dating all through the 90s during their shared time with the company. Apparently they were so serious that he built a house for her that she helped design and when it was finished he asked her to marry him but she said no and went back to her ex and Shawn turned around and married a random Nitro Girl instead, who he is still married to today and has 2 kids with and made him a Christian. So her rejecting him changed his whole life and now I guess he pulls a few strings and gets her into the Hall Of Fame with him lol.

Anyways, she was overlooked and the next segment was Drew Carey. Kane inducted him as he was the one that elimiated him from the Royal Rumble, well techinally Drew eliminated himself just to get away from Kane haha. Well Kane's speech was really funny, and thankfully Drew's was very short. Thats about all there was too it lol.

That lead to the main event, Shawn Michaels, The Showstopper, The Heart Break Kid... and a million other nicnames lol. One of the best, though not one I ever really liked. I took the Bret Hard side in all their fights and in the whole screw job, so I never really liked HBK, but its hard to deny he is one of the best ever. Of course Triple H inducted him and it was a very funny speech, even Shawn had to say when he came out "when did this turn into a roast" haha. Triple H made fun of Shawn for being too small, that they had to close the stage doors so he didnt blow off the stage, and that he was quickly getting Hulk Hogan's hairline lol. But it was all in good fun, and Shawn's speech was pretty short, and it was lame watching him hug and kiss his wife and kids blah blah.... but the real shock that made the night for me, Shawn had walked out to his HBK theme song, but when we ended his speach he said something along the lines of "sorry if this is too emotional, but if you dont like it I've got two words for ya..." to which the crowd yelled SUCK IT! Then the DX music played and Triple H walked back over, only instead of the crotch-chops, Triple H made the Wolfpac symbol to Shawn and they pointed to the back and out walked X-Pac and Desiel... Wow!

Seeing them all together again on stage was amazing, brought back so many old great memories. But all I could think and all I am wondering now is... who forgot to call Razor Ramon??? lol He was the only other member of their group The Clique and it just seemed odd that they would leave one guy out. Anyone have any thoughts or answers?

Well that was my take on the whole Hall Of Fame 2011 ceremony.

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