
Monday, April 4, 2011

Wrestlemania XXVII

Wow did it suck lol how’s that for a start...

opening match, world championship, wtf why is that an opening match, maybe cus it sucked and the title didn’t even change hands, so yet again the royal rumble winner has failed to win the title at mania for what like the 5th year in a row?

then Rey vs. Cody, which seemed like a kinda cool idea, Cody’s dashing face smashed and disfigured, forced to wear a mask, only problem, when he supposedly got his face smashed it was clear he didn’t, there wasn’t even blood, and he was wearing a small clear mask and his face looked fine, kinda lame, even for today's CENA-WWE era lol.

Next was the big tag match, but of course not an actually tag team title match cus that would be too obvious, so instead an 8-man tag match that didn’t even last 8mins lol. Couple big moves, though the highlight of the match and possible the entire show was Santino’s cobra haha.

The next match was Orton vs. punk, apparently this was the best match on the show but honestly I couldn’t care less, nothing about cm punk interests me at all and I felt bad for Orton having to waste his time facing punk instead of a real opponent or god forbid an actual title match or even the main event like he deserves!

Then it was the big announcers match between king and Cole, the biggest joke of the whole show. It was overhyped and a waste of time. It was nice that king finally got a match at mania but he deserved better than this after all his years with the company. Cole only proved he doesn’t belong in a ring embarrassed himself and the company. Thankfully Austin saved the whole segment by stunning everyone insight, he may be a one-trick-pony nowadays but at least its more entertaining than everything else on the show.

Ok this was the point of the show that everyone was waiting for... Triple H vs. the Undertaker!!! The big match, which in my mind should have headlined the show and been saved till the very end, cus it was clearly the only one worth watching. However it wasn’t, which just tells me that they knew ahead of time this match was gonna be a disappointment and couldn’t even headline this weak show. They didn’t waste time wrestling at all, just crashed everything they could find around the ring with no real excitement, then it was back in the ring for the embarrassment of takers career. First it was one pedigree after another which he kicked out of, a total of 3 I believe. Then it was chair shots over and over, though despite the fact that taker never returned to his feet after the 3rd pedigree the match continued for like 10 more mins with him flat on his back, and for some reason triple h never even attempted a single cover, just screamed at taker to stay down, even though despite all his attempts he never did get up. When triple h finally attempted to end this joke and put a clearly old washed-up over the hill taker who no longer has “it” out of his misery using his infamous sledgehammer, taker suddenly came briefly to life and locked in the hells game which triple h sadly tapped to just embarrassing himself beyond belief. Afterwards, triple h just got up uninjured and walked away, meanwhile taker faked dead for quite some time, till he was literally driven away on a stretcher, though after reading all reports online I could find was not actually injured at all, no injuries seemed to be reported which seems to indicate what a lame show it really was. I felt bad for both, taker is too old I guess to get it down anymore, I guess HBK game him his last hooray, triple h tried to carry him for 1 more year but proved he wasn’t good enough to get the job done or make this dinosaur look good.

In retrospect, I think what WWE and all the fans wanted was to finally see the dream match between Undertaker and Sting, and it seems like it was in the works but Sting backed out, maybe cus he realized he couldn’t carry taker like HBK had and let triple h embarrass himself trying instead. I think sting is prolly happy he wasn’t part of this show now that he saw the end result. Too bad though, that is one match I would have loved to have seen.

This was followed by the media sucker match, meaning the one WWE used to suck in the non-wrestling press for free publicity, no wrestling fan I know cares about jersey shore but I’m sure this girl that’s never wrestled before deserved a match at Wrestlemania more than the wresters that worked all year for the company but didn’t even get a match, let’s try to name a few... Drew McIntire, Jack Swagger, Shameus, Daniel Bryan, Christian, Chris Masters, Evan Bourne, Goldust, Mark Henry, R-Truth, Ted DiBiase, Great Khali, Kozlov, Regal, Yoshi, Ryder, and the Hard Dynasty. Also, if this was gonna be the only woman’s match of any kind on the show, they could have at least included the Divas champion, or if not, make one of the women in the match the current champ at least for the show. And what a total waste of Ziggler and Morrison, two of the most talent superstars in the company today, why not give them a singles match, if not for a world tile than the IC title or US title.

All that was left after this debacle was the main event, Cena vs. Miz for the WWE title. Wow exciting, big deal lol. All the hype leading up to mania was between the Rock and Cena, but they weren’t fighting, so I think most people probably forgot about the Miz altogether just like me. Oh well, that kid is still the champ so I guess he gets to main event the show. His entrance was funny coming out of the word AWESOME lol. But after it started it ended with a double count out, then rock restarted it and cost Cena the match, which lasted a couple mins. Then the show was over and every, like me, must have been wondering what the hell just happened, and prolly wishing they hadn’t wasted money watching it.

The backstage segments were funny, with snoop/hornswaggle, rock/pee-wee, but the real highlight was when the Rock was finally face to face with Stone Cold! That was cool. But isn’t it kind of sad that the best moment of the show was a backstage meeting and not even a match?

Overall this was the most disappointed I have ever been with a mania and am kinda ashamed to admit am still a fan of this company. This month’s TNA ppv is Lockdown and the main event sounds likes it’s gonna be Sting defending his title against RVD and Anderson inside a steel cage. If this match actually delivers and TNA finally gives their fans what they want... a real ending, a clear cut winner, and a decent match, or at least not another Jeff Hardy fiasco then I think that one match alone should top all of this year’s mania!

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