
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

CM Punk Homophobic Slur Video

Maria & Mickie has picked up the video of CM Punk and a fan getting into a heated confrontation at a WWE live event in Australia. During the video, Punk calls the fan a "homo". This will be all over the place now that TMZ has picked it up. 

The article on TMZ notes that WWE works directly with GLAAD and has been airing anti-bullying commercials following incidents involving Michael Cole and John Cena.

 CM Punk tweeted the following: 

"I'm glad TMZ posted that video because everybody needs to be held accountable for their bulls--t, me included. What I said was bulls--t." 

"I'm embarrassed. I own up to being a total douche in this situation and I offer a sincere apology to anybody I hurt with careless words."

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