
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

CM Punk vs Stone Cold Steve Austin!

Young CM Punk
Every since this whole thing started with CM Punk I have been saying this reminds me of when Austin started to become Stone Cold, his attitude and the way the fans are reacting to him, its the same kind of electricity. 

I thought TNA was onto something similar when Anderson started to catch on after his concussion. He was becoming the "Asshole" in TNA and that attitude was catching on with the TNA fans. If TNA would have handled it properly he could have exploded I think and been the voice of the people that spoke against Hogan, Bischoff, and Immortal, but instead they decided to only push Sting and made Anderson drop his exciting new character and join Immortal against Sting. As a result, Anderson became just another faceless member of Immortal, the fans turned on him, TNA had him drop the title immediately, and then kicked him out of Immortal once his buzz was gone. Smart move TNA lol. You stumble across something good by accident and you throw it away. 

Very Similar
Hopefully WWE wont make the same mistake but it looks like they already have with CM Punk. WWE obviously chose Cena to be the one, despite how the fans seem to resent him and hate him. They chose to go in a PG direction, and the ratings dropped, but still WWE continued on that path. Then CM Punk, one of the most talented wrestlers in the company decides to go the same way as Jericho, Batista, and so many others, only this time the guy leaving spoke his mind and told the fans why he was leaving instead of just quickly disappearing forever as the WWE seems to prefer. Only this caught on with the fans, to see a WWE wrestler actually say what we all think and feel, that hasn't happened in wrestling since Austin took over! 

Dream Match
Only what has WWE done? Had CM Punk beat Cena again, only with a bullshit ending that killed all the excitement and buildup for this epic match. Then to make matters worse CM Punk looses the title immediately to Alberto Del Rio. WTF? You finally find a wrestler that your loyal fans actually like and you screw him and your fans over like that? For what, to put over a washed up never was like Kevin Nash? To help feed Triple H's over inflated ego some more? 

Well apparently there is one real superstar that has a brain and knows who the best wrestler is and wants to actually help him become the next Stone Cold Steve Austin... and that wrestler is... 

Stone Cold Steve Austin!!!

WWE All-Stars Video Game
Steve Austin continues to suggest that he may have one match left in him.
The idea of Steve Austin having a major role at WrestleMania 28 has been discussed a lot within WWE even though those close to the situation say that it is unlikely.
Austin, who has been a big proponent of CM Punk, recently praised Punk in an interview with The Daily Star, stating, "He's telling it like it is. He's got himself a good contract now and they are treating him like the top guy that he is.
WWE All-Stars Toys
"You know when you're going along with candy coated storylines, and something organic comes along, it's a good chance to make a lot of money. They threw HHH in there, and I just hope they play their cards right. It was an interesting PPV (SummerSlam) - I saw Del Rio coming but it will be interesting to see it working out."
When pressed on whether he would come out of retirement for a match with Punk, "Stone Cold" stated that it could happen, although he was non-committal.
"Look I've heard the same things and I've said that were I to do it CM Punk would be the man I would like to do it with. All the stars would have to align for that to happen – it would have to be good for me financially, good for me in terms of execution and storyline.
WWE All-Stars
"Obviously it would have to be good for WWE and work out for CM Punk too. I'm not starting up anything here, but could it happen? Yes. Will it happen? I don't know."

Sounds to me like Stone Cold Steve Austin is a fan of CM Punk, and has been helping him along the way to becoming the next Stone Cold Steve Austin and would even be willing to come out of retirement and have one last match, but only if it was against CM Punk! How big of an endorsement is that for CM Punk? Now the only question I have left is why isn't the WWE giving its fans this match? Give Austin whatever money and storyline he wants and get him in the ring with CM Punk! Stop wasting our time with Kevin Nash, Triple H, and especially Alberto Del Rio and John Cena. We the fans deserve CM Punk vs Stone Cold Steve Austin!

CM Punk meeting Stone Cold Steve Austin when he was just a kid!

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