
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Jack Swagger & Vickie?

Vickie & Jack
It looks like Jack Swagger is trying to steal Vickie Guerrero away from Dolph Ziggler lol. Why would he want to right? Well Vickie seems to have the magic touch, every guy she manages becomes a champion! Most notably, Edge and Dolph. She was also having an affair with the Big Show when he main evented Wrestlemania with Edge and Cena. 

Jack Swagger
But why Jack Swagger? He is the All American America, he is Jim Ross' personal project, a fellow Oklahoma boy, he has won Money In The Bank and the World Championship. Yet since then he has been wasting away, why? His only match at Wrestlemania was being in Michael Cole's corner and teaming with him against Jim Ross and Jerry Lawyler. What a waste. He is big, talented, has an amateur background and could be the next Brock Lenser or Kurt Angle. Instead he is wasting away with Michael Cole and now Vickie Guerrero? 

BTW, is it just me or would it not make sense to have the All American American become the United States Champion lol. Seems like a no-brainier to me, but this is the WWE we are talking about here. Perhaps they are finally getting that idea and are going to have Jack feud with Dolph who just happens to be the current United States Champion!

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