
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Raw: Cena / Punk Contract Signing

Raw was pretty typical, the only real highlight being John Morrison vs R-Truth. Morrison was standing on top of the guardrail outside the ring and R-Truth pulled his leg out from out form under him and he crashed on the back of his neck on top of the guardrail. Morrison had just returned from neck surgery so it was pretty scary. 

But the real story from Raw was the main event, the contract signing for the SummerSlam main event. WWE Champion John Cena vs (The Real) WWE Champion CM Punk! I was thinking oh boy another boring contract signing instead of a main event match. They talk, then they flip over the table and fight.

Funny thing is that's what CM Punk said as soon as he got in the ring, that its boring and predictable lol. 

So instead, CM Punk surprised Cena with a Facebook clip of The Rock making fun of Cena (I posted it on my blog when it was released on YouTube lol). CM Punk also made fun of Triple H's "straight to DVD" move lol. Then he questioned Triple H and his stooge for the wrestlers they fired this week and how they were cowards about it and didn't even tell them face to face but just gave them a phone call. He then called Cena a phony and said he personally hates Cena for a comment Cena made to him years ago after Punk won the ECW title saying he "almost gave up on him (Punk)" and this was where the grudge started. 

Cena said Punk was just a "One Hit Wonder" like Buster Douglas and Milli Vanilli lol. Cena was saying that if Punk doesn't win at SummerSlam he will be forgotten and everything he said won't matter. This is why I think Punk needs to win. He is on the verge of being the 'next big thing' for the non-Cena fans. He could be the next Austin with that kind of attitude. But if the WWE has Cena win like always Punk will be wasted like everyone else and WWE will suffer and the fans will suffer.

Honestly thought, watching this entire contract signing, the guy I hated the most wasn't even Cena lol, all I could think was can Punk just kick Triple H's ass right now!! Triple H went from being a bad-ass wrestler to a real bitch lol. The rumour I've heard is that while Cena fights The Rock at Wrestlemania 28, CM Punk might be facing Triple H... they had plans to have Triple H pedigree Punk when he first came back, but they scrapped that idea, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's why they put Triple H in as the special referee. He may screw Punk out of the title at SummerSlam and Punk may go after Triple H for it!

Anyways, here is the contract signing... let me know what you think! 
(btw, I want an ice-cream bar with my name on it too haha)

1 comment:

  1. I want an ice cream bar wiht my name on it too! Who wouldn't?! Those sound GENIUS! :D
