
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sin Cara Unmasked

Sin Cara Unmasked

Just to recap and update the whole Sin Cara situation with the WWE... It was announced that Sin Cara was suspended for 30 days for failing a drug test in June in which he tested positive for steroids. However, Sin Cara was not suspended until after the Money In The Bank PPV in late July. WWE had Sheamus power-bomb Sin Cara off the ring and through ladder. Sin Car was stretchered out of the ring area and hasn't been seen since.

Despite the fact that Sin Cara has publicly denied any steroid use, and stated that he has only been given shots into his knee and that is the only drug in his system, WWE has stuck to their story and has not made any plans to bring Sin Cara back. 

It is even rumored that he will be fired / released after the 30 day suspension!

To make matters worse, WWE released Sin Cara's real name, which is a big issue with masked wrestlers. His real name is Luis Ignascio Urive Alvirde. He has also been removed from the SummerSlam poster in which he was featured and his profile seems to have been removed from the website as well. I think if they were planning on ever using Sin Cara again they would not have released his name, or claimed he tested positive for steroids, they would want him back in time for SummerSlam because its such a big PPV and he is one of their most popular stars. Since they have done all of this to ruin his character it seems like the typical WWE style of destroying a character so he can't go anywhere else. 

Why would they do this though? The best explanation I have been able to find is that WWE tried to trademark the name "Sin Cara" but were told they could not legal own the name unless Sin Cara signed and agreed to it. He refused and the trademark was denied and WWE was told they had 6 months to try to reapply for the trademark. However, since then Sin Cara has been written off of TV, suspended, real name released, name slandered in steroid rumours (come on he is not one of the big steroid looking guys, that's more like Cena and others like him, not the cruiser-weights), and if that wasn't enough I just came across a picture that has some how found its way online of Sin Cara badly beaten and unmasked!

Sin Cara Unmasked


  1. if he was released why does it say on the wwe roster that he was out for a patellar tendon rupture? Why does it also show him coming back to wwe smackdown next week (6/1/12)? And why did it say he returned to a live event on 5/19/12 to defeat hunico aka sin cara negro? Where ever you got your information obviously they told you wrong.

  2. People will say anything anymore just to get what they want it useually is money but Sin Cara is not a bad person he is well loved by many even me ive come to learn that its bad when a luchador is unmasked but it doesnt matter what ppl say I still think Sin Cara and the rest of the WWE Stars are all awsome even though there some i dont like lol Ill always love the WWE I grew up watching the WWE!! :)

  3. Just for the record, I wrote this post on Wednesday, August 3, 2011... and then you posted your comment on May 25, 2012 8:12 PM. Its easy to say I was wrong almost a year after the fact lol. I wrote that post about his drug suspension not about his knee injury. Those were two different things. When he was suspended for drugs, a new second Sin Cara was brought in to replace him. But since they brought back the original and made Hunico take off his mask yes I was wrong. And yes now he is back from his knee injury. But he doesn't do the jump into the ring which was the best part of his matches lol.

  4. stupid people writing in 2012 this was writtin in 2011

    1. did this idiot tried to say anything with "writtin"? lol

    2. ya that fucking retard

  5. I don't understand the big deal about him being unmasked I mean is everyone 100% sure this is definitely Sin Cara? The answer is real simple no,it was posted by someone that had no definite proof it was him,I mean seriously think about this if it really was him then why the big deal that is being made about Cody Rhodes wanting to unmask him since people are claiming he has already been unmasked.As far as the seroid use I am appaled people would make claims like that I mean look at the man he is among one of the smallest wrestlers in the wrestling arena other than Rey Mysterio so it makes me sick people are attempting to destroy this man's reputation like they are.Give it a rest he is not a steroid user nor is these pictures being circulated the real Sin Cara if so the WWE would have had those on their site,go on theor site and notice they still have pictures of him with his mask off with his back turned.

  6. steroids are also used to help with injuries

  7. and your argument for proving this isn't Sin Cara is that the WWE would have this pic on their website if it was? The WWE doesn't post pictures of Rey without his mask but I've seen many.

  8. damn! he should NEVER take it off he's so damn fugly

  9. Yup...they went out of their way to destroy his career in WWE in because they couldn't trademark his name.
    Nevermind that the guy is a botch master, refused to learn WWE's style, or the English language to communicate with other wrestlers, or the fact that the character itself was replaced by Hunico anyways.

    This is so wrong and full of horse shit it is ridiculous.
