
Monday, August 15, 2011

SummerSlam Aftermath: My Predictions

I think the obvious prediction I'm going to make is that Kevin Nash will be Alberto Del Rio's new bodyguard. Just like how he started out in the WWE as HBK's bodyguard. I think John Cena is leaving the WWE Championship behind and is gonna focus on what is going on with The Rock. I think that leaves CM Punk to face Alberto Del Rio in a rematch. However, now if Alberto has a new bodyguard that might be harder for Punk. 

Personally, I think that BS ending with the foot on the ropes should cause a match between Cena and Triple H, but I heard rumours that the WWE wanted Triple H to have a match with CM Punk at Wrestlemania since Cena is busy already with The Rock, but now it seems like Triple H should fight Cena. 

Triple H looked shocked that Kevin Nash returned, but didn't do anything to stop what was going on, thought he did seem upset that Alberto walked out with the title. I think if they wanted it to go down better, Triple H should have pedigreed CM Punk and screwed him out of the title, that way Cena wins, but then Nash could attack Triple H and Cena giving Alberto the win. That puts Cena and Triple H on the same side, it gives Punk a reason to want revenge on Triple H, and it still lets Alberto leave with the title!  

Besides, what was the point of all the bad things Punk said to Stephanie if there isn't going to be a feud between Punk and Triple H?

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