
Monday, August 8, 2011

TNA PPV Hardcore Justice SUCKED!

New Champion
Sorry but I had to say it. The show was a disappointment. The X Division match was a let down. They are wasting Alex Shelly with this storyline, and what the hell are they doing to Brian Kendrick? He used to be cool when he was "The Brian Kendrick" and he would stagger out to the ring in his famous walk with those awesome jackets that were like two jackets combined. Now he is this lame Jedi rip off and its just pathetic. And can I just say wtf happened to the rest of those X Division try out guys? All 4 of them should have been singed, especially that kid that did the 630 splash! My advice, go back to "The Brian Kendrick" and have him face that 630 kid!

Winter as Knockout Champion?? wtf lol. Angelina Love would have made a good champ, as would Velvet Sky or Miss Tessmacher. But instead that give it to Winter, and how did she win? By spitting some red stuff in Mickie's face... lame!

The woman's tag match, and pretty much all the other matches, particularly the Bound For Glory Series matches were just sad to watch. Devon's match was lame, the storyline is confusing. Is Pope trying to steal Devon's wife or his sons? I don't really get it. And I don't like how Crimson and Gunner are being given unrealistic pushes into main event spots they haven't earned yet. Crimson is the undefeated monster but this is ridiculous. The Goldberg streak is old, and this kid sucks. It was stupid to put him against RVD since he is still an opening match nobody! And to have him kick out of the 5-Star Frog Splash from Rob Van Dam is a sin against all that his holy in the world of wrestling today!

The Fortune vs Immortal match was good, but they seem to have that match on every PPV and it seems to be getting old and now they are starting to turn on Abyss and it just seems like that whole storyline is going wrong. The tag-team match was decent, but predictable. So if those are supposed to be the high points of the show, that's sad. Its like TNA found a match or two that worked on a PPV once so they just kept reusing them on every PPV since. That's not gonna work for much longer.

Still, the only reason I wanted to watch the PPV was the main event... Sting vs Kurt Angle! This was built up in TNA's own words, as the match to settle once and for all who is the greatest wrestler in the world. Kurt said it himself, he had never beat Sting clean, without any outside interference and he has waited 3 years for this chance to do it finally. That is what I honestly wanted to see, Kurt pin Sting clean 1-2-3, or I guess he could make Sting tap-out but honestly I don't want to see an icon like Sting tap-out, but I would like to see Kurt get the pinfall and win the title! 

That wasn't what happened though. The ref got knocked out, Hogan hit the ring with the steel chair in hand, and was about to hit Sting, but Kurt got up and ripped the chair out of Hogan's hand, but predictably turned around and hit Sting with it. Kurt then woke up the ref and hit Sting with the Angle Slam to get the 3 count and win the TNA Championship for the 6th time.

So this is the part that confuses me.... So Kurt won, but he didn't do it clean, or without outside interference. So what was the point of this? And now what? Is Kurt part of Immortal? Is Kurt turning heel? OMG this is so annoying. TNA always promises one thing and then delivers another. They think its 'creative' to pull the old switch-a-roo and do the opposite, but its not shocking, and its not good. Its the trademark Hulk Hogan ending and I'm sick of watching it over and over again. Either give me what you promise me or give me something really shocking and special that makes wrestling history, but don't just disappoint me with he same shit ending over and over again and expect me to be impressed. Face it, I wasn't impressed the first time and I won't be impressed the 100th time. Get new ideas! If you need some ask me!

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