
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

CM Punk: Hates Swearing / Likes Micheal Cole

CM Punk recently did an interview with Red Eye Chicago, here are some highlights:

Winning the WWE Championship in his hometown at 'Money In The Bank': 
"I don't think it could have gone any better. It's an awesome feeling and it was a very hostile environment, and I deal well with those kinds of situations. What better place to win the WWE Championship than in Chicago where I grew up and started my wrestling career."

If the "Attitude Era" needs to return: 
"I don't think the WWE is going to go anything but PG. I don't see the need for the TV-14 rating because that was the past and we are opening new doors to fans across the world. Swearing to just swear isn't entertaining to me whatever you're watching. There are some things I get away with, but at the same time I have to remember it is a family-orientated show. I think the product in general is a lot better when we have to police ourselves, knowing that families are out there watching and listening to every word. The so-called 'Attitude Era' is not needed in this day in age of sports entertainment."

If Jim Ross should be brought back: 
"The thing with Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler is that they are missing exactly that, the straight play-by-play guy. Lawler is there for color, and Michael Cole is there to be the antagonist. So basically you have two color guys there and nobody really calling the match. With Jim Ross, he focuses on the play-by-play and brings that game-day feel when he begins to explain the action in the ring. I would love to have Jim Ross call all my matches, but that's not a slight at Michael Cole, more of personal preference.

"I think Michael Cole would be a great manager but at the same time he's awesome at what does. But that's what is so good about it; he does something that hasn't been done before. It's different, and things are changing, and he's pushing the envelope. He gets people to talk about his antics, and that's always a good thing. He knows how to get the most of the situation without being physical."

Where he sees wrestling in 10 years: 
"Hopefully in a better place than it is now. I would like to see younger talent introduced to the fans and they get chances to show they have what it takes. I've been very vocal about the things that are wrong with the sport and hopefully they are being looked at to be changed.

"As for what I'm doing in 10 years? I don't know what I'm doing in the next 10 minutes but surely I don't want to be in the ring 10 years for now. I know guys that have done it and I've done so much already in the sport. I would like to be one of those guys that doesn't need surgeries to continue to try to get that extra payday. Hopefully I can just disappear."

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