
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

WWE Blames CM Punk, I Blame WWE!

So the rumour is the WWE is already giving up on CM Punk. They have decided that the ratings are not as high as they expected them to be when they gave him the WWE Championship. When he won the title at Money In The Bank it was huge, so they expected when they finally put the title back on him they would see the same numbers. Well that hasn't happened and apparently they aren't smart enough to see why. I also think its funny that the whole company is shit lately and they expect one man to save it all without any help and when that doesn't work they blame that one man and punish him. Great company. 

Anyways, here is what the brain-trust at the WWE need to realize. When CM Punk was the hottest thing in wrestling it was when he was actually telling it like it is, saying what we were all thinking, insulting anyone and attacking anyone. John Cena is the most hated wrestling and disliked wrestler, and he was the Champion at the time. CM Punk attacked him directly, he called him out, told him that he sucked, and beat him and won the title. Vince tried to stop Punk and it cost Vince his job running his own company. It was all very well done... for one month! Then the idiots in charge started to over think it and ruin it. They had the huge rematch between Cena and Punk title for title, that guaranteed huge ratings. But Triple H wanted to steal the spotlight. Triple H made himself the special referee and screwed up the entire match. CM Punk won of course but they gave Cena an excuse, his foot was on the ropes and Triple H didn't see it. This sucked. It made Triple H look like an idiot because he couldn't even referee (let alone wrestle anymore lol). And it made CM Punk look like he couldn't actually defeat John Cena legitimately. This hurt CM Punk who they should have been building up. 

If that wasn't bad enough, as soon as the match was over, Kevin Nash ran in, attacked Punk and cost him the Championship to Alberto Del Rio who cashed in his Money In The Bank. What a joke. No one wanted to see Del Rio as the champion and no one really cared about Kevin Nash. So instead of making Punk the new top guy in the company as they should have, they gave Cena an excuse to make him look like the better man. They gave the WWE Championship to Del Rio. They brought back to washed up old has-beens Triple H and Kevin Nash and put them in the spotlight. But where did this leave CM Punk? Exactly!

The next PPV they had a steel cage match between Del Rio, Cena, and Punk. It was stupid. Cena was locked out of the cage and Del Rio pinned Punk to retain his title. In my opinion this ruined Punk!

What has happened since then? The company is more focused on the Cena vs Rock storyline. Triple H vs Kevin Nash storyline. Making Del Rio the first Mexican born Champion for their show in Mexico. Building up Air Boom as a tag-team. Making Dolph Zigger and Cody Rhodes the future of the company. The Zack Ryder revolution. Randy Orton being wasted away in putting over losers that in my mind will never amount to anything (IE Wade Barrett). Meanwhile, Punk wasted away! The buzz died. 

And if that wasn't enough to kill the buzz. WWE took Punk who was an individual who stood against puppets like Cena and establishment guys like Triple H. Well suddenly Punk was teaming up with Triple H and John Cena. They were his best friends. Really, they just saw the money and buzz surrounding Punk and said hey we want some too! So they were so selfish to put themselves into the Punk spotlight they didn't care that they were burning out his spotlight and killing all his buzz.

Now Cena is onto his Kane storyline. Triple H is back to doing what he does best... nothing. And Punk is taking all the blame for not delivering when "given his chance." I say he was never given his chance because they ruined his chance. He had buzz and they took the spotlight away and put it on Del Rio. They tried to put it on Triple H and Nash. Well the poll I just had about TLC proved it. You all voted Triple H and Kevin Nash as the best match. I voted for Zack Ryder and Dolph Ziggler. Did anyone even care that CM Punk was being wasted in the main event with The Miz and Del Rio yet again? No it sucked. This is as bad as Orton being wasted with Barrett yet again. Whats worse, who the hell is the World Champion? Mark Henry was the other Champion this entire time. That sucked. Who was in that spotlight with him... The Big Show. That storyline sucked so bad they tried to save it with Daniel Bryan. Well that didn't exactly work, but at least it was different. 

Bottom-line, WWE is upset about low ratings. They blame Punk. They want to try a new direction. They are fools. Punk is the right way to go. Ryder is the right way to go. The only other guys they have that will draw are Orton, Rhodes, and Ziggler. That means put the gold on them and forget the rest. CM Punk is already WWE Champion. Ryder is already United States Champion. Rhodes is already Intercontinental Champion. That means Orton or Zigger as World Champion. Orton has already been, so Zigger would be more exciting! But they all need decent opponents to draw. That is the problem. Punk can't draw if he is fighting The Miz or Del Rio anymore, they suck. They need to find ways to put those guys against each other! 

Drop the old guys. This whole Laurinaitis GM shit is over. Forget it. Move on. Make Triple H the GM again. Make Nash his bodyguard. No more wrestling for them. Drop Miz and Del Rio from the main event. Put Rhodes and Ziggler in the main event with  Punk and Ryder. That will sell. The over all rule is, give the fans what THEY want, not what the WWE thinks they SHOULD want!

Let's make it simple for them...

Who's Hot
CM Punk
Zack Ryder
Dolph Ziggler
Cody Rhodes
Randy Orton

Who's Not
Alberto Del Rio
The Miz
John Cena
Mark Henry
The Big Show
Wade Barrett
Triple H
Kevin Nash

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