
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Fave 5 Update

In TNA Rob Van Dam is dropping rapidly after losing to Gunner. What a joke. Either retire, or quit TNA because this is going to ruin your career. 

In WWE, Chris Jericho is dropping because of this stupid non-talking gimmick. I let it slide the first week but after the second week when he stood in the ring and cried I lost what little respect I had left for him. He better come up with something fast. Also, that stupid gimmick Zack Ryder did with Eve and Kane like an old slasher film when he was trying to run away and he had to change the flat tire, I couldn't even stand to watch. I was actually happy when I saw Kane had caught him and apparently thrown him through a pile of crates in the loading dock. Zack you were the hottest prospect in wrestling and the second you won the United States Championship you turned into a joke. Either get back on track fast or everything was for nothing!

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