
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

TNA Genesis 2012

This PPV was horrible. It took me three tries just to get through it because I had to keep turning it off. Rob Van Dam must be quitting TNA because he keeps sinking further down the card and losing to bigger losers ever week. Now on a PPV they had RVD lose to Gunner. What a joke. I think this must mean RVD has told TNA he is leaving to go back to the WWE and this is how they wanted to embarrass him on his way out the door. If that is the case then screw TNA, they wasted him for two years and then they blame him for leaving? Interesting however, is that if this is RVD's TNA departure then it would be just in time for the WWE Royal Rumble!

The rest of the matches weren't any better. A bunch of nobodies fighting for the X-Division Championship. The same two woman who always fight for the Knockout's Championship had the same old match again, only this time with Madison Rayne suspended above the ring in a cage. The Pope finally wrestled Devon over Devon's sons. Pope turned Heel finally and Devon got his sons back. They only spent about 6 months building that joke up. That seems to be the routine in TNA, build up something stupid for way too long and never have any real pay off. That is exactly what happened with the Tag-Team Championships. Sting randomly put Matt Morgan and Crimsion together as Champions. Then he started putting other random teams together in a tournament. The winners were Samoa Joe and Magnus and after winning the whole tournament they lost to Morgan and Crimson. Big waste of time... just like watching TNA!

The only match worth watching was the "Monster's Ball" between Abyss and Bully Ray. They used barbed-wire, tacks, tables, kendo-sticks, and everything else they could find. Even though Abyss won the match with the "Black-Hole-Slam" onto the barbed-wire, this match seemed like an attempt to put over Bully Ray as a major singles wrestler. I guess he is moving up the ladder as a major Heel in TNA. Regardless, this match was better than either of the main-events, which will both be repeated aka rematches on Impact this week. Kurt Angle finally defeated James Storm, however it was not with his wrestling ability or even his own moves. Angle hit Storm with the all-time worst "Super-Kick" I have ever seen, and that was actually the finish of the match. Now they are set to have yet another match on Impact, I think that will make their 4th straight, only this time it will officially be to name the winner as the #1 Contender. 

As for the actual main event for the TNA Championship, Jeff Hardy still isn't the TNA Champion. Hence why they are having yet another rematch on Impact I suppose. This match was just horrible. First off, when did Jeff Hardy turn his finisher, the "Twist-Of-Fate" into the "Stone-Cold-Stunner"? Stick to your own moves Jeff. Either way it wasn't enough to get the job done, though Jeff dominated the entire match. The big finish was Roode begging for his life and then kicking the referee in the balls in an attempt to get himself disqualified, which he did. Jeff Hardy hit his "Stone-Cold-Stunner" but as he made the cover for the win the referee signaled for the bell and ended the match. The crowd booed and I wished I hadn't wasted 3 hours watching the PPV. Thanks again TNA!

1 comment:

  1. I'm gonna try something new, I'm gonna make a Poll and instead of asking what was the best match I'm going to ask what was the worst!
