
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

WWE Screws Ryder & Bourne

After a horrible Raw ending with Zack Ryder trying to change a flat tire to escape from Kane, he was caught and thrown off the loading dock onto a pile of loading crates. As a result he was injured and forced to compete on Raw the following week anyways, even though he was not cleared to wrestle. Jack Swagger took advantage of his injuries and after 3 Power-Bombs pinned Zack Ryder to win the United States Championship. So after months of Zack building up his popularity on Twitter and YouTube and after a record setting petition on Twitter, Zack finally got his shot and won the title only to lose it a few weeks later like this? What a joke. 

On top of that, it looks like Evan Bourne failed another drug test and as a result Air Boom was forced to drop the Tag-Team Championships at a house show. Not even on Raw or a PPV but at an untelevised house show. I think this might ruin Bourne's career and split up the promising Tag-Team. 

In accordance with its Talent Wellness Program, WWE has suspended Matthew Korklan (Evan Bourne) for 60 days effective Tuesday, January 17 for his second violation of the company's policy.

Epico wrote the following on his Twitter regarding his first WWE title win: "We came, we saw, we conquered!! And tonight Primo and Epico are the new WWE Tag Team Champions!!!!!!"

Referee Scott Armstrong commented on the title change, writing on his Twitter, "New Tag Team Champs here in Oakland! Congrats to Primo and Epico"

Rosa Mendes also commented on the title change on her Twitter, writing, "Guess who the new tag team Champions are!!??WE ARE!!! WE BEAT AIRBOOM in Oakland!! I will remember this day forever!"

Bourne went on Twitter to apologize to fans for his latest infraction.

"Sorry y'all. Sometimes we become our own worst enemy," he tweeted Tuesday afternoon

Meanwhile, former WWE announcer Todd Grisham, who now works as a news anchor for ESPN, took to Twitter to express his disappointment in the situation.

He wrote, "Shocked about Evan Bourne. Once could be chalked up to a bad decision...twice and there's a real problem. Hope he gets well. Great guy." 

According to The Wrestling Observer, there was speculation backstage at this week's WWE TV tapings that Evan Bourne was trying to get himself fired after failing another Wellness test just weeks after he returned from the first suspension.

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