
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

What Is Wrong With The WWE Today!

While CM Punk and Kane had the match of the night. The main event of Raw was John Cena vs Michael Cole. What a joke. Is it a rule in the WWE that every week on Raw, at 10pm CM Punk will have his weekly match, and John Cena will have a pathetic match in the main event? Is that really what the WWE has come to?

Apparently the WWE gave the fans what we wanted and CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, and Zack Ryder stood together in the ring on Raw all champions... but in the main event that night Raw drew low ratings so the WWE decided all three of them were not main event material. 

Zack Ryder was punished first. He dropped the US Title to Jack Swagger (it now belongs to Santino lol). Ryder is now on Superstars, not even Smackdown. 

Daniel Bryan was turned heel and they tried their best to ruin him. I don't think they saw the whole "Yes" chant coming lol. 

CM Punk was allowed to keep the belt but he was never allowed to main event a show again. Every week on Raw he goes on at 10pm and has the best match of the night. He has faced guys like Mark Henry, Lord Tensai, Daniel Bryan, and now Kane. Every PPV since then Punk has had the best match of the show, but he was never the main event. 

So in the end, CM Punk took the WWE Championship from John Cena, but he did not take over the main event #1 spot as the top guy in the company. 

However, John Cena is in the main event, but as always his matches suck, and since Brock Lesnar, he has only been facing losers. His last PPV match was against John Laurinaitis, and his last match on Raw was against Micheal Cole. What are they trying to do? On the one hand it looks like they are trying to make sure John Cena stays in the main event. But on the other hand it looks like they are trying to ruin him, because honestly he looks worse than ever now.

On top of the John Cena garbage, Randy Orton, who was moved to Smackdown to be the main even their, has now been suspended for 60 days and rumours are going around that he might get fired. In my opinion, he was injured and pressured to take the steroids to get through Wrestlemania, and after it was over the WWE suspended him for the steroids so they could renegotiate a lower contract for him. It sounds like he is refusing and they might let him go. That is just stupid. Orton is a top star, and he has done enough on Smackdown putting over up and coming stars. Its time for Orton to main event, win the World Championship on Smackdown, or come to Raw and take on CM Punk. 

Daniel Bryan should be a babyface and they should be playing up his "Yes" chant. He could be one of the most popular stars in the WWE today and he has more talent than almost anyone in the company. 

Lord Tensai's First Loss
Zack Ryder should be a champion and on Raw and Smackdown. He is the most popular star, or at least he was and could have been. He should regain his United States Championship because he never got a decent run as champion. He should then go after the Intercontinental Championship.

Dolph Ziggler should be moving up to the main event. But I think Ziggler and Jack Swagger deserved to win the Tag-Team Championships. Swagger needs a boost in his career. He was on his way to the top then they started making fun of his voice. Now he never talks, he joined Ziggler and Vickie and just takes all the losses for their team. He should get serious and show what he is capable of. 

Cody Rhodes should move to Raw, take the United States Championship off of Santino, and give some credibility back to that title the same way he did with the IC belt.
  • Basically, they need faster title turnarounds, more matches like CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan. 
  • They need to stop wasting time with crap. 
  • Fire Cole. 
  • Fire Laurinaitis. 
  • Make Triple H the boss. Let Kevin Nash be his assistant / security lol. 
  • Give Cena some time off.
  • Bring Orton back. 
  • Tensai and Brodus Clay have done all they can do and its getting old. 
  • Ryback should face real superstars, and destroy them all, and very soon he should win a championship!

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