
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Anonymous GM Finally Revealed!

As soon as CM Punk dropped the Pipe Bomb everything changed... John Cena was no longer the WWE Champion, Vince McMahon no longer ran the WWE, Triple H took over but was quickly replaced my John Laurinaitis. In the middle of all this the Anonymous Raw General Manager, which had been running the WWE for a very long time suddenly just disappeared. As happy as I was to see that lame gimmick gone, I was disappointed because the whole time we were forced to put up with Michael Cole running the show I kept telling myself it was only a matter of time before they put this storyline to its epic finish. But that never happened. There was no finish, they never even revealed who it was (Michael Cole lol). They just acted like it never happened and we were supposed to just forget about it. Well this Monday when the lights blinked everyone remembered what it was haha. How could we forget. I guess the WWE finally decided to give this storyline some closure. It was a lame finish, but at least it was a finish. Hornswoggle was caught with a laptop under the ring by Santino. Take about taking the two stupidest wrestlers in the company and using them to put an end to the worst storyline gimmick in the history of Raw. But I was glad they did it. Every story needs and ending, and a storyline this bad deserved a stupid ending I guess lol. 

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