
Monday, July 30, 2012

CM Punk's New World Order

The rumour going around is that not only has CM Punk turned Heel but he is set to bring back the NWO as the new leader. Now this rumour was started because Kevin Nash announced this on his Twitter account during the 1000th Episode Of Raw. Presumably, Nash was drunk and this was all just a joke, but it did get me thinking...

CM Punk is better as a Heel, and he does always seem to find himself as the leader of a group when he turns Heel. He was the leader of the Straight Edge Society and he took over as the leader of the New Nexus. But these groups were never very popular or cool, not like NWO or DX. But with DX just having their grand finale on the 1000th Episode of Raw it would be a great time to bring back the NWO. Another funny reason why this would work is because the fans wouldn't have seen it coming. Kevin Nash was actually feuding against CM Punk for a while this time last year. So it would be a shock to see them working together this year at SummerSlam. But that is what makes it such a great idea. 

So presumably, Punk turns Heel on Raw 1000. He was already wearing new black and white tights. Those are the colours of the NWO. He was saved not once but twice by The Big Show, who just happened to be one of the earliest members of the NWO. So I could see Kevin Nash coming out to join CM Punk and The Big Show and announcing the return of the NWO. 

But that's not how I'd do it...

It wouldn't be hard to bring back the old members, and that is what is expected. Hulk Hogan obviously can't be involved because he is in TNA. But Nash is already around the WWE and it wouldn't be impossible for Scott Hall to be there too, but we all know that will never happen. Just imagine if Punk was surrounded by The Big Show, Kevin Nash, and Scott Hall... that would be pretty cool. 

But what if they combined forces with DX? Shawn Michaels was already a member of the NWO after Wrestlemania 18, that was how he made his original return. So bring him back in, and you could add Triple H, maybe even the other DX members since they were back on Raw 1000. But honestly, if they were all going to comeback, they would just be DX like always. So that is never going to happen.


So this brings me to my idea. I think you should forget the old members, you should forget about DX. What they should do is create the new NWO. If CM Punk is the WWE Champion and the leader of the group, the only question is who would the other new members be? 

Well I think its pretty obvious who would make the best fit....

An obvious choice is a wrestler who is scheduled to make his return to the WWE this Monday on Raw after serving a 2 month suspension for the wellness policy. That wrestler is Randy Orton. He would be a perfect fit for that kind of a group. He actually wanted to bring it back himself a few years back, that's why he had the RKO shirts that were designed like the NWO shirts. But for whatever reason the WWE decided not to let him do it. Punk and Orton also have a lot of history together, particularly a great match at Wrestlemania a couple years ago. I'm sure they would work well together. 

Speaking of working well together, there was a wrestler once that worked very well with Randy Orton. In fact, they were the ones that were supposed to bring back the NWO together. But when the idea was scrapped they decided to call themselves Rated RKO instead... that's right I think the third member should be Edge! I know that sounds crazy since Edge just retired, but what better way to bring him back. Edge can't wrestle, so he is the manager and extra character for the group. Fans miss him and I'm sure he misses the business. Why not bring him back and let him help Orton and Punk dominate the WWE. Edge and Orton have a great history as Rated RKO and Edge has some history with Punk as well... not to mention they both dated Lita lol. 

The only question now is how would it come together, or how would it be done. Well I'm not going to go through every match and every step that could be taken, and to be honest there are a million ways it could be done. But I would love to see it just like the original as much as possible. That is why I stuck with the original number of three members. I would have all three men in the middle of the ring making the huge announcement together just like Hogan, Hall, and Nash did. I don't think fans would be throwing garbage though. 

Then they would be off and running. I would have Christian face CM Punk for the WWE Championship. Have Edge there to cheer him on, but then have Edge interfere and cost Christian the match. Afterwards they would attack him and beat him up. Fans would be upset seeing Edge turning on Christian, but that would set the tone for the group. No past alliances, nothing would matter about who was in the group. Have them turn on anyone that were ever with. Their motto would be you're either with us or against us, and they wouldn't want anyone to be with them lol.

Nash could be a part of it, at least in the beginning because that would make it more official. The Big Show would obviously back them up, as would any former member who would be showing their support over Twitter etc. I wonder if Lita would come back and join the group lol. Scott Steiner isn't doing anything, neither is Buff Bagwell and Scott Hall. They were pretty much the stars of the NWO.

The WWE would make a fortune from the T-Shirt sales alone lol. But they would be making a DVD of the new NWO. It would give Punk, Orton, and Edge another great run with a very successful storyline. They could all turn Heel and work together to help win their matches. 

I would have Punk and Orton win the Tag-Team Championships. Everyone is bored of Kofi Kingston and R-Truth and there aren't any other decent teams in the WWE. They would dominate the whole division. Meanwhile they could be winning every other title they could get their hands on. Particularly WWE and World Championships. They could spray-paint NWO on the belts!

They would have a few options for entrance music. The original NWO, the Wolfpac, and the WWE's version of the NWO where the entrance turns to black and white. I would use the black and white entrance, I think it was very cool. 

The question I want to end on for feedback from everyone is, obviously do you think this would be a good idea? But also, if it did happen, just like a suggested, who would you add next to increase the group? Or would you leave it at Punk, Orton and Edge?

Dolph Ziggler would make a great member as well. And it would give him a chance to finally dump Vickie.

Chris Jericho was in WCW but never a member of the NWO. Would he be a good addition?

Jack Swagger needs a new gimmick. 

Wade Barrett was the leader of the Nexus. But I don't think he would be a good fit for this.

Zack Ryder? Just because he needs a major push!

I think this would be a great way to bring back guys that have left for whatever reason. The fans wouldn't expect it. They will be too busy worrying about who's going to join next from the active roster, not who's sitting at home waiting to come back. For example, I think John Morrison would fit in pretty well and fans want to see him again. But the top choice would have to be Randy Orton's old Evolution partner Batista! Who else could come back?

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