
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Zack Down

Zack Ryder was suddenly on a winning streak again, and it looked like the WWE was finally going to give him a push again, but it didn't last too long. Hopefully it will start again soon. 

After winning the United States Championship, Ryder was suddenly dropped from the spotlight. He lost the title to Jack Swagger and then went on a losing streak. He was also put out of action for a long time due to injuries caused by Kane. It was rumored he was taken off TV so he could work on his YouTube show.

Zack was also made a fool by Eve, who he was in love with but who only used him to help further her own career. 

Ryder finally had a chance to get his career going again by winning a match to put himself into the Money In The Bank match for the World Championship. But he lost to Damion Sandow. I couldn't believe it. I thought this might be the end of Ryder's run in the WWE... but in the past few weeks Ryder has finally got his revenge on everyone that has hurt him one by one. 

At the Smackdown Great American Bash, during the party in the backstage area, Ryder got his revenge on Sandow when he beat him up for interrupting the party. Then, in the middle of their fight, Ryder tried to throw punch all over Sandow but hit Eve in the face with the whole bowl of punch, covering her white maids uniform with red punch.

Then there was a Battle Royal in the main event of that same episode of Smackdown where the winner would get to be the GM of Smackdown for the following week... in the end it came down to Ryder and Kane, and this time Ryder defeated Kane! This had to be the biggest victory of Ryder's career, and he finally got his revenge on Kane!

The following week Ryder took over Smackdown, which was called "Zack Down" and it was really exciting to see him return to his manager role on Smackdown, even if he was only ever the assistant to Teddy Long for a short time, now he was running Smackdown all on his own!

I thought this was the beginning of a major push for Ryder and all that was left was for him to win a Championship... maybe he would regain the United Stages Championship or finally win the Intercontinental Championship. The only problem is both current champions are baby faces just like him. Maybe he could find a decent partner and go for the Tag-Team Championships, but again the current champions are baby faces as well. So none of those ideas actually happened, and instead Ryder lost to Alberto Del Rio on Raw after not appearing on the Money In The Bank PPV at all. The only good part of that match was the long awaited return of Rey Mysterio!

I think they should make Rey and Ryder Tag-Team Champions and then after some heels win the other titles Ryder could challenge them and win! He should become a serious star in the WWE instead of a Santino comedy act... but that's just my opinion! 

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