
Sunday, August 12, 2012

WWE's 5 Biggest Brock Lesnar Mistakes

WWE has dropped the ball with Brock Lesnar. Big time. Want proof? Every fight that Brock Lesnar had on a UFC card did over 600,000 buys. His Extreme Rules match with John Cena did 251,000 buys. Not even half. The company is reportedly paying millions of dollars to Lesnar over the course of the year to make a handful of appearances. Somehow, they’ve fumbled nearly every one of them so far. While WWE dropped the ball, maybe they can at least attempt a field goal now, after a touchdown is out of the question. Things aren't looking good, though, as every week, they continue to make Lesnar look weak for his upcoming match. It's just one mistake after another with Brock Lesnar's most recent WWE run, and here are the top five.

5. Get the Lawyers!

There's a million ways to push Brock Lesnar in a feud. The best money-making ways to push him are as a brutal monster. WWE instead chose for him to hide behind lawyers and Paul Heyman. While Heyman is awesome on the microphone, he's involved in a bad storyline that's taking all the heat away from the main attraction. What WWE could have easily done was "suspend" Lesnar when he broke HHH's arm. For some reason, they chose to make it look like Brock was hiding from HHH and was "too much of a coward" to go face to face with him. This feud didn't need Stephanie McMahon, legal talk and especially Lesnar hiding from HHH. They have two wrestling legends who have never faced off before; it should solely be about them. WWE is re-running countless videos of this feud on Raw and Smackdown. The problem is, the feud has been so underwhelming that recounting what they've done just makes you realize how much better it could have been.

4. Triple H Has Been Hurt Worse

On the April 30th episode of Raw, Triple H and Brock Lesnar had a face-to-face meeting. Things didn't go well for Hunter, and he ended up with a broke arm. So far, so good. The problem is, next time that Hunter was seen on television, he said, "Believe me, I've been hurt worse before." Good to hear that you're OK, Hunter, and that Brock must not be that much of a threat to you! In predictable fashion, Triple H's ego got in the way again. He tried to make himself look like a badass at the expense of the entire company. The toughest man on the planet can't hurt Hunter—look how tough he is! Every WWE heel is pushed as a coward who is afraid of the babyfaces. But in WWE, the babyfaces should be afraid of Brock Lesnar. Even HHH should not want to willingly get in the ring with him. He should be forced into a match to save his pride. HHH can't show fear, though. No, that may damage his character in the short term. But instead, he's costing the company that he'll own someday a lot in the long term.

3. Rewriting History

Brock Lesnar almost died in real life. He retired from UFC due to his injuries, not because "things got tough and he quit," like Hunter said. How many men on the planet could have come back from the horrific surgeries that Brock endured not once, but twice? HHH made things up and it benefited no one but himself. Usually, it's the heels who make things up, but in this case, it was the face. The storyline would have been better if WWE made it seem like Lesnar had conquered UFC, he's a former heavyweight champ and now he's coming back home to take out all the new guys. If WWE is going to pay him millions of dollars, then push him like he's a big deal! Make it seem like WWE wrestlers are actually the toughest on the planet, and Brock Lesnar wanted to fight them. Don't make it sound like he gave up in UFC. That way, when a WWE star beats Brock, it seems like they're beating the toughest guy on the planet, not some MMA washout.

2. First Match at Extreme Rules

Brock Lesnar's first WWE return match should have happened at SummerSlam. People may say that hindsight is 20/20, but fans and critics everywhere were crying out about how a three-week build after WrestleMania wasn’t enough time for this dream match. Brock Lesnar was one of the last major attractions WWE had left. He's a huge sports celebrity and one of the biggest draws on the planet. There are very few pay-per-views that could live up to his stature: WrestleMania, Royal Rumble and SummerSlam. WWE instead chose Extreme Rules for him to make his in-ring return. Extreme what? Lesnar and John Cena main-evented the fourth annual show. The problem is, Lesnar didn't make this a marquee show; the show instead dragged Lesnar down. For new fans that weren't overly familiar with Brock Lesnar, they may have been wondering why he's such a big deal, if he's being presented in such a quickly built program on a third-rate show. We had just seen a whole year of buildup for Rock vs. Cena, and then only three weeks of Cena and Lesnar. There's no telling how many millions of dollars WWE lost on just that match alone.

1. Jobbing to Cena

The moment Extreme Rules ended, you could almost hear a gigantic pile of money being flushed down a toilet. John Cena had been on a losing streak of sorts. He lost to The Rock, and he lost to Tensai, but now he was going to face his biggest, baddest opponent ever. Cena should have been destroyed. Then he could have gone on a storyline where he trained and fought his way back to the top. Lesnar, in the meantime, would go on his path of destruction on the entire roster until one day, Cena gets his rematch and avenges his loss. It could have been an epic story of redemption and maybe if Cena showed vulnerability, he could've won back some of the fans he lost years ago. WWE didn't see it that way. They must have thought Cena looked too weak after losing to The Rock and felt they had to right that wrong quickly. There was no longer an unbeatable monster in the company. There was a guy who lost his first match back. Why does Triple H vs. Brock matter that much if we've already seen that Brock can be defeated?

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