
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sting's Hall Of Fame

One can only assume that a major factor in Sting's decision in whether or not to work for the WWE had to the Hall Of Fame. I think its safe to say that if Sting refuses to work for Vince that he will never be inducted into the prestigious WWE Hall Of Fame.

It sounds like Sting was very close to signing with the WWE recently. There were rumours of Sting vs The Undertaker at Wrestlemania, there were even posters leaked online, but that obviously never happened. The posters seemed to show Sting as more of a Joker character than The Crow, but after the deal fell through Sting returned to TNA and suddenly turned into a Joker rip off. I wonder where he got the idea. 

But there is only so much TNA could offer, in regards to money and championships, but it looks like they found the one thing that mattered to Sting... the Hall Of Fame. Since Sting wanted to be inducted into the Hall Of Fame, but didn't work to go to the WWE, TNA must have agreed to create their own Hall Of Fame. So instead of Sting being one member of the WWE Hall Of Fame, he got to be the very first inductee into the new TNA Hall Of Fame. This sounds even more prestigious, but really it still feels like a let down to me. Sting deserves to be in the WWE Hall Of Fame. Other wrestlers have been inducted that did a lot less in their careers than Sting, but right now the Hall Of Fame is the biggest bargaining chip the WWE has, so why would they give it away just yet. I'm sure a few years after Sting's career is finally over the WWE will eventually give in and induct him. There won't be any point in holding back once his career is over. But its still a same, what wrestling fan wouldn't want to see Sting in the main event of Wrestlemania against The Undertaker and then to be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame?

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