
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Was There A Real Feud Between Bret And Shawn?

Yes. Bret Hart and Shawn hated each others guts at one point. The way it all started is unknown, but they've been feuding since 1992. Come 1996, Shawn and his "Clique" were getting pretty much getting their way in the WWF and that didn't set too well with Bret Hart. Bret had to drop the title to Shawn at WrestleMania 12. In Early 1997, Shawn Michaels knew that he would be dropping the belt to Bret Hart at WrestleMania 13.. to return the favor so to speak..., therefore Shawn forfeited his WWF title (due to the unwillingness to job to Bret at WM13). This created even more heat between Bret and Shawn. Later that summer, Bret and Shawn got into a real fight backstage, where Bret confronted Shawn about comments Shawn made about Bret Hart and Sunny. From what's being said, Bret took down Michaels and there was some hair pulling and then WWF officials had to break it up. Right after Shawn got his ass kicked :) I mean after the fight, Shawn went in Vince's office and demanded a contract release and Vince said no. They were both sent home that night.

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