
Friday, November 16, 2012

TNA Turning Point 2012

Joe and Magnus didn’t waste any time starting a beat down on each other at the bell and immediately brought the match outside of the ring for the No DQ bout.  Joe took over the dominance in the match after Magnus had a short offensive outside of the ring.  The control went back and forth up until Magnus went outside the ring to get a chair, which he used to take out a charging Joe, which helped bring favor in the match to Magnus.  Joe unleashed an offensive of slams and drops that nearly got him the win but resulted in a kick out.  It became apparent that Magnus was attempting to beat Joe at his own game through a series of submission attempts that were thwarted by the seasoned submission specialist.   Magnus made a later attempt at a pin after a flying elbow drop but yet again Joe managed to kick out.  After breaking down Joe a bit more, Magnus made another attempt at the flying elbow drop only to have Joe kick out.  In an effort to finish things off Magnus went for the chair outside of the ring but Joe changed up him strategy and was able to take down Magnus and bring him back into the ring for a muscle buster that led to a near pinfall.   Joe was able to finally get Magnus into a choke to end the match so he could retain the title.

Eric Young immediately started off by locking up with Knockouts referee Taryn Tarell before the match even started.  The Bell rang to kick things off between the two teams. Tara and ODB faced off but Tara immediately tagged Jesse in.   ODB showed that she could stand her ground against Jesse.  Young and ODB broke down Jesse with some double team moves as well as some solo moves.  Jesse managed to find an opening and turned things around in their favor.   The new couple managed to get a couple near pinfalls in on Young but could not get the three count.   After an attempt at interference from Tara, Tarrell was distracted allowing for ODB to come in and spray her drink into the eyes of Jesse and get Young into position to make the tag.  This enabled the momentum Young and ODB needed to set up what turned into ODB body slamming Jesse to the mat and Young planting and elbow drop onto Jesse to get the pin.

Both competitors were cautious at the start of the match with a series of holds but Rob Van Dam was able to turn up the heat and unleash an offensive tearing down Joey Ryan.  After being tossed by a monkey flip, Ryan left the ring to regroup but was brought back in by RVD.   RVD made an attempt to go high risk but Ryan was playing possum and was able to push RVD off the top onto the railing.  Ryan took control and was able to get a couple near pinfalls with the closest being after one of his moves called the “Mustache Ride”.  The tide turned in RVD’s favor but this didn’t stop Ryan from attempting to cheat, but was still thwarted by RVD who followed it up with a five star frog splash into a pin for the win.   After celebrating his win and leaving the ring Matt Morgan came out to give RVD the carbon footprint and leave him there motionless.

It was apparent from the start that this would be a very untraditional match but could be very interesting given the size of the two competitors.  Joseph Park made a series of attempts to bring down DOC but was unable to do anything.  After finally connecting with a hit, DOC chased the obviously scared Park around the ring.  Park managed to get DOC to injury himself accidentally at which point Park went to work trying to wear down the injured hand.  DOC was able to take advantage of the inexperience of park and wear down the attorney.   Out of seemingly nowhere Park was able to muster up some strength get in a few hits but DOC found an equalizer that managed to make Park bleed, which seemed to trigger something that we haven’t seen before, but Park seemed to snap back out of it.  After much back and forth DOC was able to get the pin in on Joseph Park.   After the pin DOC stayed and beat down on Park but fortunately Bully Ray came in to help the injured park.

The match started out with Daniels and Chavo locking up and the two competitors exchanging dominance in the match from the start.   Kazarian and Daniels were able to control the first part of the match for the most part as they both worked at breaking down Chavo.  Finally, Hernandez and Chavo pulled it back around and build momentum in their favor but it was short lived as Daniels and Kazarian restarted their domination.   Neither team ever seemed to be able to get a decisive advantage throughout the entire match.   In the end Hernandez and Chavo Guerrero managed to retain their titles after Chavo implemented a cross body onto Daniels.

This match determines the #1 contender to the World Heavyweight Title with the losers not having a chance at the title until after Bound for Glory.  Roode immediately left for ringside at the start of the match to allow for Styles and Storm to duke it out in the ring.  After a brief amount of back and forth Roode pulled Storm out and started a beatdown on Storm but was broken up by Styles who flew onto them.  Roode and Styles brought it back into the ring and went back and forth but led to Styles dominating the match against Storm and Roode but he seemed a little less phenomenal as though he was psyching himself out by making mistakes you don’t normally see from the phenomenal one.  After a mistake that sidelined Styles, Storm and Roode went to work on each other.  Finally, Styles found his way back into the ring  and was able to build dominance to actually take out Roode and get to work on Storm.   After a near pinfall against Storm, Storm was able to reverse things build up enough momentum for a near pinfall on Styles but had no success.  Roode came back into the fold and dominated both Styles and Storm.  .  Strangely enough at one point Storm and Roode worked together and wealmost saw what looked like a Beer Money reunion.    All three competitors could not seem to get the pinfall but Storm took out Styles with a Last Call Superkick and was able to get the pin for the win to become the new #1 Contender for the heavyweight title.

Devon seemed hesitant to get into the ring with the Olympic Gold Medalist, but once in the ring the sound of the bell meant it was on between these two competitors.  The two brawled and wore down each other but after being driven into a ring post Angle seemed to lose the advantage and was broken down in the ring by Devon.   However, Angle’s resilience allowed for him to stay in the game and work towards turning things around in the war with The Aces and 8s.   Angle built up an offensive and was able to lock in several near pinfalls but not success.   The ring was surrounded by members of the Aces and 8s before the end of the match, which nearly distracted Angle but he was able to force Devon to tap and immediately leave the ring to avoid a beat down by the gang.

The match started with the two facing off in the ring but before long the two kicked things into high gear for the main event ladder match.  Both brought things outside of the ring in order to get the ladders to access the titles dangling from above.   A lot of painful looking assaults were implemented in order to tear down each other and incapacitate them long enough to get the titles.  Hardy in an attempt to throw Aries into the supports of the ladder had things reversed on him and he accidentally jumped into the ladder which left him reeling in pain and ended up outside of the ring.  Hardy still out from earlier was trapped by Aries inside a ladder outside of the ring  but before Aries reached the top he noticed that Hardy had escaped and while investigating Hardy made it to the other side and was scaling the ladder.  Aries promptly noticed and knocked him off the ladder causing him to have a very dangerous looking fall.   Hardy came back with a vengeance and took things to a new level against Aries.  Hardy managed to come close yet again but was thwarted by Aries.  Aries went to make an attempt to climb the ladder, however he was stopped by Hardy who implemented a twist of fate from the top of the ladder!  Following this Hardy laid him out with a swanton bomb and went for the titles, however Aries had the controls and moved up the titles.   Hardy had to leave to take care of Aries and bring into play a 20 foot ladder to reach the titles.  What happened next really needs to be seen to be believed… in the end Jeff Hardy was able to scale the ladder and grab the titles to retain! STILL WORLD CHAMPION - JEFF HARDY!!!

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