
Friday, January 25, 2013

My History Is Not My Destiny

Jake's Road to Recovery

Jake "The Snake" Roberts is known as one of wrestling's most tragic stories, with a history of substance abuse and unfulfilled potential in the wrestling world.  Like others who have fallen from grace, Jake found himself in a deep depression, with failing health and little desire to live.  With the help of friend and former pro wrestler, Diamond Dallas Page, in the summer of 2012, Jake was given a small push in the right direction.  He saw a glimmer of hope that lit a fire inside of him.  At 57 years old, he decided to fight for something worthwhile... sobriety, health... a purpose in life.

Jake's 6 Month Progress

Amazingly, in just a few short months Jake has changed the direction of his life.  Sober for over 75 days (the longest he's been in over a decade) and 60 pounds leaner, Jake's life has new meaning.  He's now out to prove to people that it's never too late to turn your life around.  As he aptly puts it, "My history is not my destiny".   He hopes to get healthy enough to make one last run as a wrestler, to leave the industry on his own terms.  Perhaps if he can pull this off his story can inspire the world.

A Stumbling Block

An old shoulder injury from Jake's many bumps in the ring has become increasingly more painful and now prevents him from continuing his exercise routine.  Without the ability to exercise, Jake's progress has been severely handicapped... Jake needs surgery on his left shoulder as he is in constant pain and can't even lift his left arm.  He's discouraged that he has come so far only to run into this stumbling block.

Help Jake Keep His Forward Momentum!

It's critical that Jake doesn't lose his positive attitude and momentum, but he can't afford the surgery on his own, and he lacks health insurance.  He's hoping his fans might reach out to him and help fund the $9,200 (surgery and rehab) he requires. If every one of his twitter followers chipped in, he would reach his funding goal!  Donations will be used to cover the following:

  • Hospital fees
  • Surgical costs
  • Rehabilitation costs
Jake knows there's no such thing as a free lunch, so he's tried to come up with some cool rewards for those willing to donate to this cause!  (See to the right)

Why it's important

Jake is one of the greatest pro wrestlers to ever step in the ring. He would like to pass on his knowledge of the business to future generations, both in the ring and out.  His journey to become healthy and productive after a dark period of his life will inspire so many others, if he is able to keep moving forward!  Become a part of this amazing journey and Jake will be forever grateful to you.

Other Ways You Can Help

If you can't donate, we understand, but please share this link with your friends, be it by e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, etc.

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