
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Dolph Ziggler World Champion

Dolph Ziggler's first world championship. Vickie stripped Edge of the title, then gave it to Dolph, but later on the same episode of Smackdown Edge got his rematch and won back his championship. So Ziggler held the title for part of an episode of Smackdown.

It's a shame Dolph can never get a real run as champion. It's harder now that there is only one world championship, and the champion is the unbeatable Brock Lesnar who takes most of the year off. I think the fans would all support Ziggler as the WWE Champion if he is ever given the chance! 

However, it seems as though the WWE is only willing to use Ziggler as an Intercontinental Champion. I think it is a good fit and it makes Ziggler a champion, essentially the second biggest star in the company. Well that was before they had him lose the title repeatedly, especially when it was to Luke Harper. They just always have to knock him back down. 

But this year's Royal Rumble was just the lowest point in my opinion of the WWE just wasting possibly their greatest talent. Fans were ready to riot when Daniel Bryan who was the fan favourite to win was eliminated only part way through the match. I felt that the only other contender that the crowd would be happy to see win was Dolph Ziggler who came out in the very last spot number 30. However, shortly after entering the match Ziggler was knocked out by the Big Show and eliminated. It was just pathetic. 

I think Daniel Bryan should have won the Rumble, should go on to Wrestlemania and defeat the champion Brock Lesnar. I think Dolph Ziggler should be in a main event match at Wrestlemania, something that really shows him to be the next biggest star. He should regain the Intercontintal Championship, and he should face a major star. Perhaps he could win the United States Champioship from Rusev and give him his first defeat. Maybe he could even steal a kiss from Lana. Maybe he could even face a big star like Triple H or the Big Show at Wrestlemania. Gaining a win over a main event hall of fame calaber star would put him over even more. Then I think the key to it all would be defeating Seth Rollins for his Money In The Bank briefcase and getting a title shot against the new champion Daniel Bryan. Could you imagine a PPV main event Daniel Bryan vs Dolph Ziggler. Champion vs Champion. No Holds Barred. 2 out of 3 falls. Iron Man. Any type of match. Dolph Ziggler wins and becomes the new champion, setting up rematches and a fued that could last all year! 

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