
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Poll Results - Royal Rumble

Who Should Have Won The Royal Rumble?

Roman Reigns
  14 (38%)
Daniel Bryan
  14 (38%)
  8 (22%)

Seems like everyone is split on who they like more, Reigns or Bryan. I find that hard to believe. Reigns has won nothing, no big matches, main events or titles. And he sets the Rumble record then wins the Rumble and was named Superstar Of The Year. That was a shock. Too much too soon, and most fans seem to resent him now. 

They should have built him up slower, he could have been the one to end Rusev's reign as United States Champion or he could defeat Bad News Barrett for the Intercontinental Championship. 

Maybe another run as Tag Team Champions, I wouldn't have a clue who would be his partner, maybe Dean Ambrose. It would be cool to see those two working together again. They have no reason to not be on the same side. 

I guess Daniel Bryan hasn't had too many other title runs. I think he was a United States Champion a while ago but that was about it. I really saw him becoming a main event star with the huge sucess of Team Hell No and their Tag Team Champhionship run. His World Championship run wasn't that exciting but his lost to Sheamus at Wrestlemania after the infamous kiss from AJ was the big moment that made everyone take notice of him. I think the Yes chants started right after that night. 

Roman Reigns has not had a moment like that yet to put him over as that big of a star. His Sheild run was sucessful, but he was not standing out in my mind as a main event singles star at that time. I was expecting him to get probably a United States Championship run like Ambrose did. Similarly I thought Seth Rollins would be feuding with Dolph Ziggler for the Intercontinental Championship, but that never really happened either. 

In my opinion Bryan should have won the Rumble and should be facing Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania. Roman Reigns should be facing someone like Rusev instead. He is not ready to be the top guy in the WWE and if they go with him too soon the fans won't get behind him and he might fall flat on his face. Just like when he won the Royal Rumble! 

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