Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Capital Punishment

This was an odd PPV, held in Washington with all of the President skits, but all the lame PG jokes aside there were a few decent matches.

First, Dolph Ziggler (my fav wrestler) defeated Kofi Kingston to become the new United States Champion. This was a decent match, but even I thought the ending was lame. Winning a match with a sleeper hold is the oldest and lamest finish in the books as far as I'm concerned. Dolph has so many high impact moves such as the Zig Zag and the Famasser, both would make for a much more exciting finish than the sleeper hold. Oh well, Dolph is now the United States Champion. Add that to his resume so far, which includes, United States Championship, Intercontinental Championship, and very briefly, World Heavyweight Championship. It would see that his next goal should be the WWE Championship!

Next was the showdown between Alex Riley and The Miz. Personally I hate The Miz and I think Alex Riley has been carrying him this whole time. Its nice that Riley is finally getting his own push. Defeating The Miz should help launch his own career.

The next match was The Big Show vs Alberto Del Rio. This had a strange build up since Alberto's personal ring announce ran over Big Show's leg with one of his expensive cars, and then Big Show knocked out Mark Henry on Smackdown. The high point of this whole match, which was pretty sad, was when Mark Henry came out and picked up the 500 pound Big Show, carried him over to the announce table and delivered the Worlds Strongest Slam threw the announce table. After that the Big Show just wasn't the same. They really played up the injured leg angle and that was ultimately the downfall of the Big Show. Honestly, the Big Show is a joke. He hasn't had a decent match since Brock Lesner left the company. He is just a big dump monster that is always easily outsmarted and defeated by much smaller weaker wrestlers. I can't really respect or cheer for the Big Show since its always a sure thing he will loose and it will be a lame finish. Oh well, that's his problem for letting himself get used like that, he could just stand up and knock out anyone he wants. I guess he gets paid more to look like a fool.

Next Ezekiel Jackson finally defeated Wade Barrett to win the Intercontinental Championship. This guy, Ezekiel, made a name for himself by body-slamming the Big Show. Since then he has won matches but repeatedly body-slamming his opponents. Finally they came up with a real finish for him, now he uses Lex Lugar's old Torture Rack. Honestly, I'm not that impressed with Ezekiel. He is big, obviously strong, but doesn't seem to have a clue what to do in a wrestling ring, and its horrible on the mic. He seems to have trouble just saying his catch phrase "I am the personification of domination." Its a clever line, but I think with his speaking skills they should use smaller words lol. How long will me be able to make a career off of a body slam?

CM Punk then defeated Rey Mysterio. This was a decent match, but then again it is every month when they fight. This seems to be a standard match for every major show. With no title or storyline either. They just fight every time the company needs a real match to save the show. The only point of interest in this whole match was that after he won CM Punk announced that he will be leaving WWE as soon as his contract expires at the end of the month. Right after the Money In The Back PPV in which CM Punk is fighting WWE Champion John Cena for the title. Punk swears he will win the title and then leave the company with the championship belt. I am suddenly getting Bret Hart flashbacks lol.

The real story of the PPV, and the match that should have been the main event was Christian vs Randy Orton for the World Championship. Randy Orton is the best wrestler in the company today and you can't help but hope for Christian to regain the World Title. So this was the match I wanted to see the most.

The match was great. Lots of great moves and great reversals. When Randy went for the RKO and Christian countered it with that backwards DDT he does I thought that was great. Still, that was not enough to get the win. I thought that would happen when Christian hit Randy with the spear, but again that wasn't enough for the win. Then out of nowhere like always, Randy hit Christian with the RKO. However, it was clear the moment Christian landed that his foot was under the rope which means the pin doesn't count. Somehow the ref of course missed this and counted 3 making Randy the winner.

The next edition of Smackdown GM Teddy Long stated that the ref's decision is final (he would know he used to be the ref lol). So again Christian was screwed. This would be working great if Christian was still the good guy and his "Peeps" were feeling sorry for him and demanding he gets another rematch. However, WWE decided to make him the bad guy and have him turn on his fans. So now when he gets screwed and ripped off everyone laughs at him and no one is on his side and no one wants to see him get another chance or even win the title. I think that's a shame. Christian had a huge fan following. Everyone was happy when he won the title. Why would they take away the title and make him turn on his fan-base? Now they got a lame heel that no one really cares about that is wining about getting screwed and no one cares. How long can they drag this out without giving Christian the title and making him a real champion?

In between the title matches Even Bourne fought Jack Swagger. Evan Bourne won!

Finally the main event. R-Truth, who apparently lost his mind after he lost his title show to John Morrison. He turned on his fans, refused to rap, refused to dance. He beat up his best friend John Morrison so badly he needed neck surgery afterwards. He smoked in the arena at ringside and blew smoke in Morrison's face. He then started talking to himself and acting crazy. He dressed up as a civil war solider on Memorial day. He has been attack and assaulting Cena's fans in the crowd. He refers to them all as "Jimmy."

Honestly, despite the fact that they are making R-Truth act like he lost his mind he is making a lot of senses lol. I'm sure most of the wrestlers in the back are sick of Cena's fan-base which consists of little kids probably ages 10 and under. This is the new PG WWE. They only try to appeal to young children again now. Reminds me of the Hulkamania days. "Say your prayers and take your vitamins" have been replaced with "Never give up!" same lame attitude. Now there is R-Truth, smoking around the ring, throwing drinks in the face of Cena's little fans (obviously plants lol), he is the anti-role-model. Its a perfect counter balance for Cena. I just don't think he should have to be insane, he could just be a more grown up adult character.

Regardless, in true WWE fashion, this match had a hilarious comic ending. R-Truth beat Cena so badly he left him dead in the ring and went to take a water break (a joke referencing when he first won his title shot in the gauntlet match but needed water breaks in between his matches lol). Only this time, as R-Truth stole a drink from one of Cena's fans, the kid threw the watch into R-Truth's face. R-Truth was in shock, Cena rolled him back into the ring, and while clearly blind and half unconscious after being hit in the face by that deadly water, Cena was able to hit his only move, the Attitude Adjustment (formerly known as the FU before the PG change in the WWE). So once again Cena wins a silly match and retains his WWE title. 

Cartoon PG Lame PPV Concept
Final Thoughts: This was a lame concept for a PPV, I hated the President jokes. Any PPV that ends with Cena winning I give 2 thumbs down. I can't help but feel sorry for Christian in all of this. I think the only match I was happy about was Dolph Ziggler becoming the United States Champion!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ric Flair Arrested Update

Ric Flair has paid up the $35,000 he owed The site posted the following to their Facebook page: "Letting our own social media get the scoop, we have FINALLY been paid by Ric Flair for the debt dating back years ago. No jail time for Naitch. Whichever Angel pitched in the $ for him THANK YOU."

John Morrison's Neck Surgery Update

John Morrison will be out for roughly two more months, due to his neck injury.

Chavo Guerrero Released

WWE announced today that they have released Chavo Guerrero, who has been with the company since 2001. Here is the announcement from their website: World Wrestling Entertainment has come to terms on the release of WWE SmackDown Superstar Chavo Guerrero as of today, June 25, 2011. We wish Guerrero the best in all future endeavors.

Guerrero took to his Twitter to respond, writing, "Yes, it's true. My release is the big news I was talking about. But let's get something straight. I asked for my release. I was just tired of not being used correctly. Just cuz u can make other ppl look good, doesn't mean they should just have u lose to them. The same thing happened to Eddie. After being champ, they still had him working mid card status. Being a Guerrero, we've been taught since diapers to get the most out of ppl & matches. It's our gift, but also our curse. WWE has always used us to make other ppl look good. It all comes down to being happy. I was not happy in WWE anymore. I had a smile on my face last night though when I got my release though! :) now it's time for me to start being a Guerrero again, and start kicking ass again, be able to tell stories in the ring like u know we can. :) win or lose I will never go back to the place WWE put me in. I will never go back to being under utilized and watching ppl who suck get bigger "pushes" than me! Thank u to all of u who stuck by me & kept reminding me, I was better than that! :) stay tuned.. Big things coming!! Now I will really be able to entertain u! :) like me or hate me, 1 thing I have always tried to do is entertain u and give u fans your $ worth. Even if my hands were tied most of the time. I love u all and can't wait for the future!! So happy. :)" 

I think this was a horrible mistake. Chavo is right, he was not used properly. He is an overly talented wrestler and he has not had any success in the company (other than a short riegn as ECW champion, which ended in the shortest match in Wrestlemania history) since Eddie passed away. They were one of the greatest tag teams of all time and after Eddie became champion on his own Chavo was pushed aside. However, after Eddie passed away I thought maybe Chavo would get a push (not that he could take Eddie's place). Instead it seemed that WWE gave that spot to Rey. Since then Chavo has only been used as comic relief and to put over other stars who have never amounted to much as he pointed out. The most recent and I guess final instance was with new star Sin Cara. Chavo tried to help him but Sin Cara rejected him. The two fought and Sin Caro won easily. This made Sin Cara look great but made Chavo once again look very stupid. I can understand why he would want to quit, but I can't understand why WWE would refuse to use him more effectively. He will be missed in the company and I think they will regret their mistake. Hopefully we will see Chavo in TNA soon, since that is about the only other option in the wrestling world today. 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Matt Hardy Suspended

We noted yesterday here on the website that TNA Wrestling officials suspended Matt Hardy due to continuously arriving late to live events. In an update on this, the suspension was also due in part to the video he posted online of himself urging Jeff Hardy to stun Reby Sky (Matt's girlfriend) with a taser, "among other reasons." Basically, several things had been building up and they suspended him.
Hardy was left off last week's iMPACT! Wrestling tapings in Orlando, Florida due to the aforementioned reasons.

As noted earlier, Matt Hardy tweeted the following statement in response to the online reports: "Just checked out the headlines on the 'net.. They make me smile :-) Everything's cool in life-luv it! It's 95 out but I'm not sweating ;)"

Scott Hall Going To Jail reports that Scott Hall was sentenced to ten days in Seminole County Jail yesterday for resisting arrest last May.

Hall was arrested on May 14, 2010, and charged with disorderly conduct and resisting a police office. Authorities were called to the Hitching Post Bar in Chuluota after Hall, who had been "drinking heavily" according to a police report, "became aggressive". When authorities arrived, they found Hall yelling and cursing at the amateur wrestling personalities Marc Grabowsky, Kevin "Showtime" Van Camp, Tony "ODB" Griffin, Shawn Shiever The Beaver Retreiver, Mark E. Nelson and other staff of the bar. Hall was told he was not allowed to return to the establishment. On his police report, Hall listed himself as an "unemployed" professional wrestler, despite having a job with TNA Wrestling, who would release him a month after the arrest.

Court records in Seminole County, Florida indicate Hall was sentenced to ten days in jail. His jail time, however, was reduced to two days for time served. 

He is planning to check in to jail on July 5. A representative for the former wrestling champion says he'll be in the medical unit due to his "bad health." reported Tuesday that Scott Hall was sentenced to ten days in Seminole County Jail for resisting arrest last May. The story also notes that his jail time was reduced to two days for time served. According to a source, that the story is incorrect as just two days were cut off his sentence. That means he'll be serving eight days and not two as TMZ reported.

Hall will enter jail on July 5 and be released on July 13.

Why Batista Left WWE

As he's stated in the past, Batista cited the WWE's PG direction as the reason for his exit, feeling that it was becoming too "unbelievable and hokey," and there were things that he learned from Triple H and Ric Flair that he wasn't able to do anymore. He felt that the sport has gone downhill since going PG, and he has become disconnected from it.

Trish Stratus In TNA

Former WWE Women's Champion Trish Stratus was backstage at last night's TNA Wrestling live event at the Ricoh Coliseum in Toronto, Ontario. 

Stratus lives nearby and was visiting former WWE peers who now work for the organization. Stratus indicated on her Twitter account that Mickie James, Tara and Winter slept over at her house. 

Desmond Wolfe Also Released

Desmond Wolfe has been removed from's roster page. This is often an indication that a wrestler has parted ways with TNA Wrestling.

Wolfe has been sidelined from in-ring competition since September due to medical leave. There were rumors that he had hepatitis but we have been unable to confirm that. Wolfe resurfaced on TNA programming last month as the commissioner of Xplosion.

Miss Tessmacher Is A Hooters Girl

TNA Wrestling talent Brooke Adams (a/k/a Miss Tessmacher) is among 100 contestants competing for the Hooters Viewer's Choice Award. The winner will be crowned at the Hooters International Swimsuit Pageant.

Tessmacher, who waitresses at a Hooters restaurant in Houston, Texas, has competed in numerous Hooters swimsuit competitions this year.

Ultimate Warrior Used To Be A Male Escort

The Ultimate Warrior has responded to a rumor that he used to work as a male escort in the Atlanta, GA area. The rumor says he used to be an escort in the 1980s before joining the wrestling business.

A fan asked Hulk Hogan about this on Twitter over the weekend and he responded with the following: "he was more than a male escort. You guys figure it out. HH"

Warrior then responded with the following tweet of his own, taking yet another shot at Hulk and Linda: "Warrior God for ULTIMATE time. Demand is HIGH. Escort limited to pro-wrestlers wives. Reserve right to refuse service. No, HH. Linda, no."

Randy Orton's Concussion Was Real

Randy Orton did suffer a concussion while working in Madrid, Spain on Sunday. The concussion story they ran on RAW was a legit reason as to why he could not perform.

WWE is still pushing that Orton will wrestle Sunday at the Capitol Punishment PPV, and while that would have been a given back in the day, wrestling seven days after a concussion is more questionable in 2011.

Orton was asked via Twitter why he didn't wrestle on RAW. He replied: "because I was knocked out in Spain. U can't wrestle, or should i say, perform, the day after a concussion."

CM Punk Announces He Is Leaving WWE

The latest update on CM Punk's status with WWE is that he is still planning on taking a leave of absence once his contract expires this year. Those close to the RAW Superstar say he feels like he hasn't been treated like a "top guy," which will factor in his decision.

After tonight's episode of Raw, CM Punk went on Twitter to talk about leaving WWE on July 17th after the Money In The Bank PPV.

"I knew I was gone at the beginning of the year," Punk wrote. "I just woke up one day and I knew. That's the way I work a lot of the time.

"I think it's creepy too, but it's really helpful. I knew I'd be history by July. Come say goodbye on July 17th.

"Come say goodbye on July 17th. I promise to go out with a bang. Trust me. XxX"
We will have more on this story later today (Tuesday).

Kevin Nash Arrested published a follow-up report on Kevin Nash recently being arrested on suspicion of battery following an altercation with an adult male outside of a Florida restaurant.

TMZ said in the original report that a man approached Nash's wife and became aggressive, leading to Nash taking the man down to the ground. Police were called to the scene and they arrested Nash on suspicion of battery, a charge that has since been dropped due to lack of evidence.

The follow-up report features Nash's side of the story, who insists he only acted in self-defense because the drunkard came after him with a beer bottle. 

Nash said earlier on Twitter, "Guy with tattoo's always gets arrested."

Tommy Dreamer Released

Tommy Dreamer has officially been released from TNA / Impact Wrestling. His profile has been removed from their website. So far no statement or reason has been given.

Tommy Dreamer is no longer on the TNA roster. His deal expired and he did not sign a new one. He recently opened his own production company to work on a film and some other non-wrestling related projects. He has also been seen at WWE headquarters, but there is not talk of him returning there.

Top 25 Managers

WWE has put up their "Top 25 Managers" list, which is an update of the list they did back in 2009. Here are the updated names, along with their placement from 2009 beside it. "DNP" signifies "did not place."

25. (DNP) The Genius
24. (22) Marlena
23. (21) Michael Hayes
22. (DNP) Armando Estrada
21. (14) Teddy Long
20. (19) Oliver Humperdink
19. (DNP) Stephanie McMahon
18. (15) Harvey Whippleman
17. (DNP) The Million Dollar Man
16. (12) Slick
15. (DNP) Vickie Guerrero
14. (20) Paul Ellering
13. (8) Miss Elizabeth
12. (DNP) Paul Heyman
11. (13) Sunny
10. (9) Mr. Fuji
9. (DNP) Jim Cornette
8. (6) Arnold Skaaland
7. (4) Paul Bearer
6. (7) The Grand Wizard
5. (11) Sensational Sherri
4. (3) Capt. Lou Albano
3. (2) Feddie Blassie
2. (5) Jimmy Hart
1. (1) Bobby Heenan

People that were on the 2009 list that did not appear on this list were Frenchy Martin, Gary Hart, Jason, Johnny Valiant, Bill Alphonso, James Dudley and JJ Dillon.

Stone Cold Steve Austin Returns

Stone Cold Steve Austin has been see a lot on WWE television lately, but does this mean a comeback? 

He hosted the new "Tough Enough" show and made appearances on Raw to promote this new show and its winner. He has also referred a couple main event matches and gotten involved in those matches. But does this mean a comeback to the ring? 

The Miz called him out once as if there was going to be a match. He did come face to face with The Rock backstage at Wrestlemania. 

All the signs point to a comeback looming, but it still remains quite doubtful. However, in an interview, Austin stated that he feels he still has 2-3 years of full time wrestling left in him, that his body has recovered to the point where he thinks he could handle the abuse for a few more years. Unfortunately, Austin also pointed out that it would be a risk and he is not sure if it is one that he wants to take at this point in his life. 

Still, the fans are waiting, and I think if he can say he has a few years left in him then a few big matches wouldn't be that hard to imagine. The Rock is main eventing next years Wrestlemania against John Cena, why can't Stone Cold have a match as well? 

This just raises the question, who should Austin fight? If Austin announced today that he was going to wrestle at Wrestlemania this year, against one current WWE superstar... who should that superstar be?

Here is what Hulk Hogan had to say about Austin's comeback:
"If there is that one last huge match that really, really meant something to the fans, that would have to be against 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin. I can see him already making appearances back on TV and he's already starting to get full of himself," Hogan said. "I heard him say for a while that his back and his neck were too messed up to wrestle, but from I've been seeing lately, I think he's getting geared up to do something and I'd like to be a part of it."

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Its hard to say which PPV is the TNA equivalent of Wrestlemania, but I think its safe to say its Slammivesary since its been the main show and they have been counting it every year (this being the 9th year). So that being said, the expectations should be high for this PPV. 

The first match, the former tag team champions, The British Invasion, took on the current tag team champions Beer Money. However, Robert Roode is out with a shoulder injury. Since Chris Sabin of the Motor City Machine Guns is also out with an injury, Alex Shelley stepped in for Roode and an all-star tag team was formed. This was in my opinion one of the best matches of the show, and of course the championships were retained by this all-star team! 

There were however some very disappointing matches in the middle card of this event. I get the impression that the Hogan / Bischoff regime wants to use the established superstars from the old TNA to put over their new up and coming talent. In the next match, Scott Steiner was sacrificed to put over Matt Morgan, who kissed his wife after the match, which seemed odd to me. Then one of the TNA legends (who I think is being wasted now) Samoa Joe was forced to not only lay down for a new rising star, Crimson, but he also shook his hand after the match and gave him his seal of approval to be the new undefeated star in the company. Personally, I think the established stars shouldn't be wasted in putting over these new wrestlers that have done nothing to earn it yet. There are current stars that could be used to put on amazing matches, but they weren't used because Hogan wants to push guys like Crimson and Morgan. Let me ask you this... Where was Pope? Where was Daniels? Where was Matt Hardy? (BTW when is Jeff coming back?)

It was announced that Bischoff was getting rid of the X Division when Abyss won the title. Then Bischoff promised to keep the X Division around because the fans wanted it. But then Abyss announced it was now the Xtreme Division.... what does that mean? is it going to be like the hardcore or ECW title? Regardless, Abyss defended the title in a regular, three-way, match against Kazarian and Kendrick. This match seemed promising because all three are very talented, however, their styles seriously clash. Abyss is a hardcore monster, whereas the other two are high flying fast paced wrestlers. This match seemed awkward and unprepared. Abyss won and retained his title, whatever it is called now.

There was a woman's match for the knockouts title. Champion Mickie James defended against super hot Angelina Love, who is now drugged and zombie like with Winter. Personally I think Winter is a joke, but Angelina is hotter than ever with this new gimmick so whatever, go with it! I was hoping she would win the title for a record setting 6 time, but alas that was not the case this time. I was disappointed, I think TNA especially, has been too reluctant to have the titles change hands. Its a very slow paced company with long boring story-lines that seem to go nowhere. How long has this been going on? In some cases they have PPV matches with now build up, and in other cases they have 6 months of build up with now pay off. Its very annoying. In this case, there wasn't much build up, but the only redemption would have been an exciting title change. They dragged out Mickie winning the belt from months and months, while we all watched Madison Rayne's boring gimmick night in and night out. Now its hardcore country, and its already getting old. I say turn the title over to Angelina Love and set up the inevitable feud between the new evil Angelina and the improved Velvet Sky, who is long overdue for a title reign!

In the end, there was only 3 real matches worth watching on this whole PPV... AJ Styles vs Bully Ray in a last man standing match, Sting vs Anderson for the championship, and the final showdown between Kurt and Jeff!

AJ stole the show like always, jumping off the stage, jumping off the scaffolding, going threw tables. Bully Ray was a bloody mess. It was an epic match no doubt. But the ending was disappointing. After crashing threw a table onto Bully, AJ was back on his feet first, but was kicked headfirst threw the stage and did not return before the 10 count and lost the match to Bully Ray. I thought it was a lame ending to a great match, but I must say, Bully Rays new character is a really big improvement and he did give AJ a good storyline and a great match.

The last match of the night was Angle and Jarrett, but I am a firm believer that the main event should always be the title match, so I will save that one for last. 

For a final showdown, this was pretty tame. This was the basic, simple, regular wrestling match. This should have been the first match. No cage, no special rules or stipulations. Just that Angle's gold medal was on the line. At least for once we didn't have to put up with Karen! They covered all the basics, each used their trademark moves. Angle slams, strokes, and of course ankle locks. There was actually a moment when I thought Angle was going to tap out to his own ankle lock. If that happened I would have stopped watching TNA for good. Luckily that didn't happen. Jarrett also pulled his trademark guitar out from under the ring and gave Angle a great guitar shot to the head. Angle would not stay down though and eventually locked in the ankle lock and Jarrett finally tapped out once and for all ending this amazing feud!

Finally, this brings us to the championship match between Anderson and the champion Sting! This match had a great build up with Anderson dressing up as the old original Sting with the bright colours and bleached blonde hair. Sting finally snapped and did something I thought he should have done a long time ago. He changed his look and make up and went from looking like the Crow to looking more like the Joker! It wasn't perfect, he basically just changed to red tights and smered his make up a bit, but it was a cool change I thought. This match started out wild in the crowd fighting everywhere. They eventually got in the ring and Sting just destroyed Anderson. Sting had Anderson down for the 3 count after hitting the Scorpion Death Drop. However, even though Hogan and Bischoff both promised no outside interference, Bischoff ran down to ring side and ruined the whole match. This was a new and lame finish though... As the referee counted one, Bischoff slammed his hand on the mat and when the referee counted 2, Sting thought he heard 3 and got up from the pin. By the time Sting had realized what had happened, Anderson nailed him with a Mic-Check to win the world title! 

I dont like what they have done with Anderson. I liked his cool "asshole" gimmick, but now he has just become a real asshole. The old Sting idea was pretty cool, but I like Anderson as a baby-face better than as a heel. Oh well, someone had to take Jeff Hardy's place as the top heel and I guess that is now Anderson. I don't know if there will be an ongoing feud with Sting or if they will move on, hopefully to RVD. But only time will tell. BTW... where was RVD at the PPV???

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Ultimate Warrior's Message To Hulk Hogan

Velvet Sky Turns 30??

Reportedly, Velvet Sky turned 30 on June 2nd. I'm shocked... she seemed like the youngest TNA Knockout. 

Well, she's still the hottest and it seems like she is finally getting a major push to become the Impact Wrestling's next Knockout Champion. I think this is long overdue. Though I hate this new storyline with her getting her ass kicked by ODB. I was glad to see ODB gone from TNA / Impact Wrestling. 

I still miss the days of The Beautiful People, but its nice to see Velvet making it on her own, and personally I think Angelina Love's new zombie look with Winter is extremely hot!

TNA Tells Foley To Have A Nice Day

While neither side has spoken about this publicly as of yet, it looks like when Mick Foley was "fired" on Impact Wrestling, this was not only his storyline exit from TNA but his actual last appearance with the promotion. His TNA contract doesn't expire until September but it looks like he's done already.

The word is that with Foley's recent Twitter comments about TNA house shows being considered "Empty Arena Matches," he likely knew he was coming to the end of his run there. 

Both sides have been frustrated in recent months. Foley was upset that TNA never promoted or addressed many of his outside projects. Others within TNA described Foley as being hard to work with.

Hogan opened up a legal document and said that effective immediately, The Network has exercised the option of terminating said position. He then said to the camera, "Mick Foley, you're fired!" Hogan's theme music played and Bischoff said, "This is the happiest day of my life."

Foley lampooned news of his on-screen firing on Twitter. He wrote, "Wait, I was FIRED?!? Are you CEREAL..I mean SERIOUS?!?"

He added, "Wait, I just checked my DVR and it cut out during Bischoff's speech. I can't be fired; I just got back a few weeks ago. Right?"

Foley then teased a possible return to WWE, saying The Miz needs a new assistant (following the dismissal of Alex Riley) and he needs a new job.

He wrote, "Good point @DHStom - I think @mikethemiz might need a new assistant..and I need a new job. Interesting, huh?"

He then retweeted a fan's comment indicating that he could have appeared at Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's birthday bash rather than return to TNA for a few weeks. It read: "Good thing Mick had to stay around for 3 weeks rather than be at @TheRock 's bday bash. #baddecisions"

In accordance with the storyline, his profile has been removed from the company website's roster page. Foley, however, is still under contract to TNA. It expires in early September and he stated during an interview late last year with that he doesn't plan on renewing it. "The Hardcore Legend" said he was frustrated with communication problems inherent in the structure of the organization and that he wasn't pleased that they didn't air footage of his appearance at Jon Stewart's Rally To Restore Sanity at the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

John Morrison's Neck Surgery

Morrison underwent surgery in early May to alleviate pain caused by a pinched nerve in his neck. At that time, he was expected to miss between 4 and 6 weeks.

John Morrison's real-life girlfriend and WWE Diva Melina went on her Twitter account to give fans an update on JoMo. Here is what she wrote: "John is doing great. It's going to be awhile 'till he can wrestle again. Strength in his arm is the same since the day of surgery. He went back to the doctor this week. He's on his way to recovering. We just (h)ave to (b)e patient. I'm just happy he's not in pain and that He Is getting better."

John Morrison's Neck Injury

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