
Monday, May 9, 2011

Edge: What I Would Have Done

Instead of just reporting the wrestling news and giving my opinion I thought it might be interesting to try coming up with a better answer instead of just saying what they did was wrong lol.

I think if Edge was going to retire and Wrestlemania was going to be his last match they should have let him end his career in a better way. He should have gone out with more of a bang. I think Alberto was pushed too soon, he didn't deserve to win the Royal Rumble and he really didn't deserve to main event Wrestlemania, even though their match was the opening match, it was a World Title match nonetheless. 

I was extremely disappointed when Alberto won the Rumble, I thought the star of the whole Rumble was Morrison who's moves to avoid elimination were amazing, he stole the show and should have won. In which case I would have had him challenge his ex tag team partner, The Miz, for the WWE Championship, which would have left Cena open to fight the Rock or anyone else they wanted. If need be, they could have just had a triple threat like at Extreme Rules. 

Once you forget about Alberto as a contender, that leaves him to finish his feud with Rey at Wrestlemania and leaves Cody free to fight someone else, like Swagger or any of the other young guys that were wasted at Wrestlemania. 

Now that leaves the question, who should face Edge?

Well if Morrison is fighting The Miz, that means he is out of that stupid Jersey Shore match which was a waste of time and should have just been a woman's match anyways. In that case Dolph Ziggler is free to continue his feud with Edge. He already won the belt from Edge on Smackdown and then lost it back to Edge on Smackdown. This sets up a good rematch to settle the score. 

Or if that doesn't work, there was a great feud with Edge and Kane that could have been settled at Wrestlemania. However, Kane was involved in a tag match with The Big Show, but that raises an even better idea...

Edge used to be married to Vicki Guerrero, who is now with Dolph Ziggler. Well that set up a great feud with them, but one might remember that when Edge was married to Vicki she cheated on him with The Big Show, which led to their Wrestlemania match at a previous Wrestlemania. So they could have worked something out where Edge would fight Dolph and The Big Show could have got involved. Hell you could even put him in the match as a Triple Threat. Or you could also include Big Show's new tag partner, and Edge's main rival on Smackdown Kane, and make it a Fatal-Four-Way. 

So that means my options are:

Edge vs Dolph Ziggler
Dolph Ziggler
Edge vs Big Show
Big Show

Edge vs Kane

or any combination

All are better than Alberto in my mind. However, if this was really going to be Edge's last match, and he was going to drop the title to someone, which would have been better than if he forfeited the title like he actually did, then he should have lost his last match to Christian.

In my ideal situation, I would have Edge finish all of his old feuds once and for all, with a Fatal-Four-Way as I mentioned. He can end his wars with Ziggler, Big Show, Vicki, and Kane all at once. And they could even have Christian make his return properly at Wrestlemania. Christian could have helped Edge win the Four-Way to keep the title and then challenge him to a match right then and there, or he could just let Edge win and then walk out after the match as a surprise and challenge him.

It might have also been a good idea to maybe have Christian win the Royal Rumble and just challenge Edge outright. This would have worked better if Edge was not in condition for a Four-Way match and just wanted one short match. 

The end result should have been a one on one match between Edge and Christian at Wrestlemania, and that should have been Edge's last match, and he should have lost the title to Christian and Christian should be known as the man the ended Edge's career, not Alberto who had no history with Edge.

This would have also been a great way to turn Christian heel. He could have snapped on Edge, and cheated to win. He could have then also delivered a "one-man con-chair-to" to Edge. (when you put a steel chair under Edge's head, and then smash another steel chair on the other side of his head). Hell, Christian could have delivered several "con-chair-to" to Edge, giving that as the excuse for Edge's retirement. They could have sited it as a concussion injury instead of a spinal injury. 

Christian would have taken all the blame and heat and everyone would hate him and want to see him pay for what he did to Edge. This would have been the appropriate time for Orton to come to Smackdown as the savior to defend Edge and defeat the evil Christian and take back Edge's title, since WWE ultimately wanted Orton to be the new champion. Still, I would have had Christian hang onto the belt for a couple months, this way he could cheat to retain the title against Orton and all the other Edge supporters. 

Eventually, Christian's evil title reign would have been ended by Orton, but not without the assistance of Edge. This way Edge was getting his ultimate payback on Christian, settling their score, and passing the torch to Orton who is clearly meant to be his successor. 

Well that's just my ideas, let me know if anyone agrees or likes any of my ideas. Or if you have any better ideas of your own, please post them here!

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