
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Impact Wrestling

Since Hulk Hogan took over control of TNA Wrestling there have been a lot of changes, most notably the change from the 6-sided ring to the traditional 4-sided ring. But now that the "Network Consultant" has been revealed as Mic Foley perhaps the biggest change has taken place.

After revealing himself as the  "Network Consultant" Mic Foley announced that TNA will now change its name to Impact. The company was always named TNA, and the TV show was called Impact, and the arena was known as the Impact Zone. Apparently the company decided they didn't like the name TNA because it wasn't clear enough what it was, and could be confused for another meaning. So the simplest change I guess was to just drop the TNA part just like they dropped their connection to the NWA. So instead of TNA Impact, its just Impact. 

Also, as WWE is trying to drop the word Wrestling from their name, Impact is now trying to focus on the word Wrestling more than ever. The company is now called "Impact Wrestling," their arena is now called the Impact Wrestling Zone, and the catchphrase on the show  seems to be "wrestling matters." 

This could also be why Mr. Anderson has gone back to wearing his old t-shirt that says "wrestling is real, the rest of the world is fake."

Basically, WWE is no longer a wrestling company, launching a whole network with shows and movies not wrestling based. And on the other side, TNA has dropped the suggestive title and changed to a straight forward 100% wrestling company, and pardon the pun but are hoping to use this to make a major Impact!

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