
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Triple H Fires Vince And Takes Over WWE

McMahon received an unwelcome guest instead. Triple H, not seen on television since April, interrupted his father-in-law. 

 "The Game," a WWE executive and husband of Stephanie McMahon, whispers something in Vince's ear, and Vince introduces his son-in-law, Triple H. 

Triple H takes the mic, and says that he's sorry he's late but there was a board of directors meeting this morning. He says that The Board is concerned about the current situation and asks Vince to talk about this in the back, but Vince declines. He says that the Board is concerned about Vince's decisions as of late, even though they appreciate his accomplishments.

Triple H says that the Board has filed a "no confidence" injunction on him, and "the family agrees." He says that the Board has appointed someone to take over the day-to-day operations of the WWE and it's him. Vince started to tear up. Triple H said that Vince is not going to fire John Cena or do anything else. Cena celebrates and heads to the back.

Triple H gets emotional and says that Vince taught him that no one is bigger than this business, and with all due respect, he's there to inform him that he is relieved of his duties. Vince is crying and Triple H is looking down as the crowd sings "Na Na Na Na, Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye." Triple H is crying and says that he did not want to do this, but he's doing what's right for the business and says "I love you pop, and I'm sorry."

The fans give Vince a hand as he cries in the ring, with a "Thank you Vince" chant going as the show went off of the air.
McMahon stood in the ring sulking as RAW went off the air.
Big News

Triple H's close friend, Sean Waltman, wrote on his Twitter that the events that unfolded on-screen were real.

"The text [Triple H] sent me today makes much more sense now," wrote Waltman. "That was the real deal, that last 5 or however many minutes."

 A Historic Moment In Wrestling History


  1. i think its about time Triple H took over, since I guess Shane is never gonna step up and do anything for the company and Steph did all she could by marrying Triple H

  2. Sean Waltman tweeted the following, clarifying his Triple H-Vince McMahon tweet from last night: "To clarify my tweet last night. Raw last night was real on a symbolic level."

    It should be noted that Vince McMahon is still the "head man in charge". Triple H has NOT taken over the company. He will eventually take over for Vince but that is simply not the case right now. Triple H is basically being 'groomed' to take over along with Stephanie McMahon.

    We noted several months ago that "H" had been learning the "ins and outs" of the company at Titan Towers. He's also taken more of a 'management' role at TV tapings.

  3. Jim Ross said: "Mr. McMahon being 'relieved of his post' as Chairman of WWE was a major surprise to me and one that I never saw coming. It certainly sets up numerous, new, storyline opportunities which will hopefully be capitalized upon in the near and long term future. What changes will be made under HHH's watch, if any, and how will those assumed changes affect the presentation of WWE's top TV priority? As a fan and after working with and for Mr. McMahon for many years, I simply can't see the sports entertainment visionary "going quietly into the night." That's TBD I assume and will be one of the catalysts that encourage fans to tune into Raw Monday night. "
