
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Vince McMahon Fires John Cena

As Raw starts, McMahon heads to the ring in a horrendous suit with John Laurinaitis. The locker room is shown backstage watching on a monitor. A "CM Punk" chant breaks out. McMahon says that he will never say Punk's name, and that fans are chanting for a man who walked out on them and is the biggest ingrate he's ever seen. Vince says there is no one man who is bigger than WWE, not Hogan, Bret, Rock or Austin, and WWE is a global promotional juggernaut that cannot be stopped, and tonight there will be an 8 man tournament to crown a new WWE Champion.

McMahon brings up John Cena not being in the tournament. McMahon said he warned Cena that there would be severe consequences, and there will be severe consequences and tonight will be a night that we will always remember.

Michael Cole brings up that John Cena already believes he's been fired, and quotes his Tweet from earlier.

As Raw is about to end, McMahon reiterates that no one is bigger than WWE, and he can make a new John Cena. He thanks Cena for his contributions, but says that you sometimes have to make an example out of somebody. He says it's a business thing, not an ego thing. He says in time, he'll be thanked. Loud "CM Punk" chant from the crowd. McMahon says that as much as he'd like not to have to do this, "let's get this over with." Cena's music hits and he heads to the ring.

Cena hits the ring and grabs the mic from Vince. He says he's not going to talk bad about him or the company, and he knows what Vince is about to do and that's fine because he doesn't want to have to go through what Shawn Michaels went through. He said that despite all of Michaels' accomplishments, HBK is always remembered for screwing Bret, and he didn't want to do that. He said he didn't want to demean the title.

Cena says that Vince can find another opponent for The Rock at Mania next year, while he gets to leave with his dignity. Cena says that he loves the WWE and truly believes that he belongs here. Cena says that he loves this, and if he's getting fired, he'll walk on someone else's TV show "BROTHER." Cena says that he never kissed Vince's ass and is about to walk off.

Vince stops Cena and says that as much as it hurts him... 

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