Saturday, August 6, 2011

Melina Fired

Melina has been pulled from WWE weekend live events. She tweeted the following: "To everyone I told I was going to be at the WWE Live Events this weekend I will not be attending. Sorry about that."

Melina posted on her Twitter about her WWE release.

She wrote: "Feel free to Tweet, write, call @WWE about how u feel about anything. You deserve to be heard regarding any matter. Strength in numbers. I love you all so dearly and reading all of your tweets. Seeing the trend... I know w/out a doubt, I'm a lucky woman! In the next few days you will see many updates on the matter, so keep checking I will definitely Blog & Vlog about it. I've been through quite a bit of stuff in my life. I Overcame each time. I'll never give up. Not now. I'll Always fight & #StayStrong."

She also sent a tweet to John Morrison that read: "@TheRealMorrison U just made me cry. I love you so much. I'm very proud of what u have accomplished & to have u as the love of my life."

John Morrison issued the following statement via Twitter concerning Melina, his girlfriend, who was released this afternoon from her contract with WWE.

He wrote, "I've always believed that Melina is the most talented Diva ever employed by World Wrestling Entertainment. (not to mention the hottest!) Her face conveys emotion. Vince McMahon likes to say "Television is a feeling" and I agree with him. That's what Sports Entertainment is all about. Melina's presence on Television, aside from the obvious (she be sexy!) is raw emotion- joy, rage, surprise, disgust… her passion just pours out of her

"Melina's presence on Monday Night Raw will be missed by the WWE universe… and especially by me.

"I think this is the end of a chapter in the book of @RealMelina – I met Melina on my audition for Tough Enough 3, I never forgot the smile, and hug she gave me when I made the show and she got cut and told to go home. I've stood next to her with Joey while MNM was yelled at; told we'd never make it, we were worthless. I've seen her come back from 2 career threatening injuries. She is one of a kind, and talented enough to do whatever she wants. I'm proud to be her man. I love her, and will support whatever she chooses to do next.

"#staystrong #thankyoumelina."

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