Monday, September 5, 2011

TNA Bound For Glory Series: Update

So of all the top stars in TNA the final four for the Bound For Glory Series are not Rob Van Dam, or Matt Morgan, or AJ Styles, or even the undefeated Crimson. Instead the final four that will compete on the next PPV are: Bully Ray, Bear Money (James Storm & Bobby Roode), and Gunner who knocked RVD out of the last spot on Impact. 

All I can say is "WOW" who ever would have predicted that. I assumed those mid-card losers would have bombed out quick, along with Devon, and it would have come down to the real stars, AJ Styles, Rob Van Dam, and maybe Matt Morgan and Samoa Joe. Boy was I wrong. Well AJ is buys with Daniels, RVD is busy with Jerry Lynn, Matt Morgan who was injured has come back to face Samoa Joe, and I think the Pope is gonna fight Devon. So I guess all the real stars are busy and they are making this into a rookie tournament to push the next big star, and surprise surprise that isn't Crimsion. Though it feels like they are setting up a match with him and Angle, I hope not for the TNA Championship... just because I don't think Crimson is ready or deserving yet. 

Anyways, now that we know the final four I am going to remove my previous poll and replace it with a new one for the finals. Just FYI the top leaders on my poll were Crimson and Rob Van Dam!

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