Thursday, January 12, 2012

Brock Lesnar's Failures

I'm sure a lot of people are UFC fans, so I'm sorry if I offend, but Brock Lesnar threw away the greatest career in wrestling since Hulk Hogan and Stone Cold Steve Austin for a failed attempt at a Football career, and a UFC career. I think he made the worse choice possible. He will always be remembered for his wrestling career which lasted only 2 years, and took place over 10 years ago. So imagine if those 2 years lasted another 10 years. When Brock left the WWE Smackdown basically had JBL as their champion for a full year until a replacement could be found. That replacement was John Cena. So basically the past 10 years of the Cena Era should have been the Brock Lesnar Era... which do you think would have been better? In 10 years Cena hasn't had one match as good as the worst match of Brock's 2 year career. Honestly, the main event picture for the past 10 years should have been Brock Lesner & Rob Van Dam. Neither was used, and look at what we got instead. And they wounder why the ratings today don't compare to the ratings back then!

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