
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Royal Rumble Results

Opening match, steel cage, World Championship. Daniel Bryan escaped the cage and the Big Show to retain his title. Mark Henry was not a factor in the match. Big Show dominated, but in the end Bryan dangled from the Big Show who sat on top of the cage, until eventually Bryan slipped free and fell to the floor to win the match. 

They had some filler matches. Diva's Champion Beth Phoenix lead her team of Natalya and the Bella Twins to victory over Kelly Kelly's team. The Funkasaurus Brodus Clay crushed Drew McIntyre with the "What The Funk" and celebrated to a great reaction from the crowd.

John Cena and Kane ended their match in a double count-out, but continued fighting backstage. Once Cena was down, Kane broke into Zack Ryder's dressing room and found Ryder in a back-brace in a wheelchair. Kane wheeled Ryder to the ring, and in front of a crying Eve Tombstoned him in the middle of the ring. Cena ran out just in time to receive a chokeslam. Kane left both Ryder and Cena dead in the ring and Eve crying on her knees next to them.

CM Punk managed to leave with his WWE Championship despite all the disadvantages. John Laurinaitis actually threw Vickie from ringside at the start of the match and decided to referee from the outside of the ring. But when the real referee was knocked out Laurinaitis failed to see Ziggler tap out to the Anaconda Vise, and count the three when Punk hit the GTS. The highlight was when Punk went for the second GTS and Ziggler turned it into a huge Fameasser. But the third GTS spelled the end for Ziggler, and Laurinaitis even counted the three along with the referee. 

The Royal Rumble Match

Of course The Miz started the match. Alex Riley came out second. R-Truth was third. Things did not look good for The Miz, but he hung in there. A few funny moments with Mick Foley and Santino, they officially had Mr. Socko vs Santino's Snake. All three announcers were in the match (The King, Booker T, and Michael Cole). Road Dogg made a surprise return. But the biggest surprise was when the winner of the very first Royal Rumble, Hacksaw Jim Duggan came out! Unfortunately, those were the only surprises. No Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, Batista, Goldberg, Triple H, Rey Mysterio, or Rob Van Dam... who were all rumored to make appearances. The only other surprise was Kharma. She came out and chased away Cole, hit her finisher on Ziggler, and then attempted to throw Hunico over the top and onto his partner but dropped him and he crashed hard on the floor below and appeared injured. The highlight of the match was when Kofi Kingston was sent out of the ring head first, but did a hand-stand on the floor and walked on his hands all the way around the ringside and back to the ring-steps so he could climb back into the ring!

In the end, after Randy Orton and Chris Jericho came out, the 30th entry was the Big Show. He cleared hosue and the final four were Jericho, Orton, Sheamus, and the Big Show. Orton eliminated the Big Show and Jericho eliminated Orton in the process. That left Jericho and Sheamus to have a long drawn out back and forth match. I was cheering for Jericho the whole time and was sure he would win, but in the end he was sent off the ring apron by a Bro-Kick and Sheamus won the 2012 Royal Rumble. 

The only other highlight was when Alberto Del Rio's music hit, but instead of a nice car, a beat up piece of junk pulled out, and behind the wheel, dressed as Del Rio was his announcer Richardo. He actually competed in the Rumble and the crowed chanted Richardo. He didn't last long though, but it was a good laugh.

Overall, it was a good PPV, but did not live up to the hype and the expectations. Where were all the stars we wanted to see? Too many jokes and gimmicks and young mid-card wrestlers. Only about 3 real main eventers were in the Rumble and none of them won. Given the participants in the Rumble, the winner should have either been Chris Jericho or Randy Orton. Just like last year when Del Rio won, I don't think Sheamus should have won yet. Its too soon. I would rather see Jericho or Orton in the main event of Wrestlemania rather than Sheamus who wasn't even on Wrestlemania last year.

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