
Sunday, January 29, 2012


I have officially changed the name of TNA to SSDD. So instead of referring to it as Total Non-Stop Action we should just refer to it as Same Shit Different Day. I think that is a much better description of the company. 

I try to keep watching it so I can blog about it just in case anything interesting happens. But nothing has in months, hell when has anything really exciting ever happened in TNA? When Hogan took over and Rob Van Dam, Jeff Hardy, and Mr. Anderson showed up it was good. When RVD was TNA Champion, when Jeff Hardy turned Heel, and a few times when Sting returned. But other than that, its just been the same shit every week.

This week they had another #1 contenders match for the Knockout's Champion Gail Kim. This time Mickie James surprisingly didn't win. Tara did. I'm sure Gail will find a way to cheat and keep her title for another month. 

The Tag-Team Champions had singles matches for yet another week. Meanwhile the main event challengers for the TNA Championship had a tag match. See the irony lol. And there was no X-Division or Television Champion to be found. Good job TNA... or should I say SSDD!

Check out how pathetic the TNA crowds are. They only use the one side of the arena to make it look full on TV. Obviously the TV cameras are on the empty side facing the full side. What a joke. So when the wrestlers look at the camera they are talking to the empty side of the building with their backs to the crowd lmao what a joke!

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