Sunday, February 5, 2012

John Morrison Interview

Yahoo Sports recently interviewed John Morrison, here are the highlights…

On Becoming a Wrestler: 
I was a big fan as a kid. I remember watching all the big WWE PPV's with my friends, then wrestling in the yard afterwards when we were kids. I idolized guys like Macho Man, HBK (Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels), and Hulk Hogan when I was a kid, but I didn't think of professional wrestling as something that I could actually do as a career until I saw the first season of Tough Enough

On His Biggest Victory: 
I've always been more about the journey than the win. Pro Wrestling to me is about constant improvement, finding accomplishment in evolving into a more complete, precise entertainer. Some of my favorite moments are my debut match, MNM vs. Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio, and beating Sheamus to become the number 1 contender at TLC 2011. When I think about it, other than that, most of my favorite moments are of matches that I lost - losing the ECW championship to CM Punk in August 2007; Falls count anywhere versus Miz; MNM vs. the Hardy's, Morrison vs. Ziggler any given night of the last Europe tour; the infamous Limo explosion on Z True Island story (not a match, but I definitely wouldn't count it as a win).

On Being a Part of MNM: 
What I loved about MNM was that it was our idea, us being Melina, Mercury, and myself. We were MNM in OVW (developmental wrestling) for a year before we were brought up to Smackdown. MNM was the first time I really felt at home in wrestling.

On The Birth of the Morrison Character: 
The "Morrison" character was born in ECW… a child of spite and stardom. I felt like I evolved into a great singles wrestler in ECW because of the opportunities to speak, and wrestle longer matches. Miz & Morrison, "The Greatest Tag Team of the 21st Century," was fun because Miz and I have great comedic chemistry for backstage segments, and our internet show the Dirt Sheet. Also I felt like more of a leader than when I was with MNM.

On Leaving WWE: 
I was starting to accumulate injuries faster than they were healing… neck surgery, and a lot of nagging injuries; shoulder, knee, ankle- I decided that time off is my best option. I'm working on elevating every part of my game during the time I have off, physical in ring stuff and mic work.

On Vince McMahon as a Boss: 
Vince is a perfectionist, a work-a-holic, and a micro-manager. He expects everyone to work as hard as he does, and he really does work like a mad man. He cares very much about his business, and you have to respect that about him. If I had to pick out any one flaw, I'd say that I think it would behoove him to delegate more. Give power to others in the organization for longer periods of time without allowing them to be undermined.

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