Of all the big matches for Wrestlemania I asked what match do you want to see the most. The Poll is closed. There were 189 votes in total. Here are the results:
- Sheamus vs Bryan 7 (3%)
- Punk vs Jericho 40 (21%)
- Triple H vs Undertaker 67 (35%)
- Rock vs Cena 63 (33%)
- Other 12 (6%)
Pathetically, the World Championship match between Sheamus and Daniel Bryan got only 3% of the votes. More people votes for "other" that for the Championship match... how sad is that lol. The WWE Championship match between CM Punk and Christ Jericho came in third receiving 21% of the votes.
Basically it was between Triple H vs The Undertaker and The Rock vs John Cena. In the end, it was the Hell In A Cell match that won. I think while all the promotion has been for The Rock vs John Cena for a whole year, with all the talking and singing and raping, wrestling fans still prefer the real old school wrestling match. We want to see the best wrestlers not entertainers. We want to see a steel cage, a cell, an iron-man match. We don't want to see comedy and entertainment, we want to see a fight. While the comedy with Team Teddy and Team Johnny has been funny, and The Rock and John Cena promos have been entertaining, when it comes time to deliver, wrestling fans know its Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and The Undertaker that will always be at the top of that list!
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