I've often wondered if TNA had CM Punk how they could have let him go. I mean WCW let Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H go right in the middle of the Monday Night Wars, and those two are what lead to the WWE's victory over WCW. Now CM Punk is the WWE Champion and top star, and he started in TNA. Clearly they made a mistake in letting him go... but still why would they have made such a mistake?
Recently, Petey Williams, a former TNA wrestler himself, told the story...
[In Spring 2004] myself, Chris Sabin, Johnny Devine, Sabu, and Jack Evans were the only people who witnessed the fight [between CM Punk and Teddy Hart] with our eyeballs. What happened was we used to eat at this place called the White Trash Cafй, just a name, that’s where we used to have our catering at; it was right across the street from where we filmed. I didn’t know that they had beef with each other at all; I wasn’t hip to what was going on on the internet. Apparently they bad mouthed each other on the internet; I don’t know the whole story behind the back story. We’re eating and I saw Teddy and Jack walk in there and then me Sabin and Johnny Devine were walking away and they were like hey Punk is in the restaurant and Teddy just walked in, want to see what happens? I’m like what’s going on guys? They said you know [Punk and Hart] don’t like each other. We turned around and pretty much like Teddy and CM Punk walked out and it was kind of like, one of them says you’ve got a problem, he’s like you’ve got a problem? There was like one shove, I can’t remember who shoved whose shirt first. Then it was just a couple of quick punches, Teddy got the upper hand I think like Punk kind of tripped and Teddy kind of tripped him over or something so he was on his ass. Teddy was like punching him, and then Sabu jumped in, this all happened within 20 seconds. Sabu jumped in and kind of tore them apart and as Sabu is trying to tear them apart Teddy still has Punk’s hair and is trying to kick him in the face. Then they kind of both went their separate ways, and the office found out about it and that was the last time I ever saw Punk in TNA. Then after Teddy did his stint with Team Canada that lasted another week, he never came back. You can’t fight, there’s consequences right.

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