I assume this is TNA's version of Wrestlemania? I can never really be sure. But it seemed to be their biggest show of the year. They even announced the very first inductee into the newly created TNA Hall Of Fame. I was shocked it wasn't TNA founder Jeff Jarrett, but rather Sting. I'm still really happy it was Sting, since he might not get inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame since he has never worked for them.

There were some pretty crappy matches on the PPV as per usual, so I won't bother going over them all. Just skip to the good stuff lol.
There was a triple threat match to determine the new number one contender for the TNA Championship between Rob Van Dan, Ken Anderson, and Jeff Hardy. Basically the three best wrestlers in TNA, and yet none of them have held a championship in as long as I can remember. I think since AJ didn't face Aries they should have had Aries vs Hardy, that could have been an amazing match! Anderson should be the Television Champion instead of Devon. He could have faced Rob Van Dam. Anything, just give them some titles, make two of them Tag-Team Champions. Regardless, this was still a great match. I thought Hardy would win, but that wasn't the case. After hitting the Swanton-Bomb, Hardy had it won, but Anderson pulled the ref out of the ring and then threw Hardy out of the ring. After RVD tried to go for the Rolling-Thunder, Anderson caught him in the Mic-Check and got the win. Anderson will get a title shot against the TNA Champion on Impact this Thursday!

Bully Ray was set to face Joseph Park, the brother of Abyss, and I couldn't help but wonder if Abyss was going to come out to help Joseph Park or if he was actually Abyss. I'm not sure if that question was answered, but I think its pretty obvious that he is Abyss lol. At one point Joseph rolled outside and went under the ring. Bully Ray turned around only to find out that Abyss had come out the other side of the ring, and Choke-Slammed him through a table. Abyss then went back under the ring, and Joseph came out the other side and covered Bully for the win. It was pretty funny.

The best match of the whole PPV was the Tag-Team Championship match. The Champions, Daniels and Kazarian vs the challengers Kurt Angle and AJ Styles. I can't really think of a better team combination than that. Kurt Angle is the best mat wrestler, the best suplex machine, and the best submission wrestler in the world in my opinion. And AJ Styles is the fastest wrestler, and the best high flying wrestler in the world in my opinion as well. So if you combine those two you have all aspects of wrestling covered in one team. It wouldn't matter who they faced, they would have all their bases covered. But first they would have to win the Tag-Team Championships, and that is exactly what they did! Lets go over the highlights...
- AJ slid under the guardrail and then jumped off the guard rail and into Kazarian.
- AJ got his leg tied up in the ropes and looked like he snapped his knee when he fell backwards.
- Angle put on a German-Suplex clinic, repeatedly suplexing Daniels and Kazarian.
- After two German-Suplexes to Kazarian, Angle went for a third, but Kazarian grabbed onto Daniels, who was holding onto the ropes, but AJ kicked Daniels from outside the ring... and Angle German-Suplexed both Kazarian and Daniels at the same time!
- AJ did his Moonsault where he hooks the guys head for a Reverse-DDT, at the same time grabbed Daniels for a normal DDT.
- Daniels went for the BME (Best Moonsault Ever), AJ rolled out of the way, Daniels landed on his feet, Angle caught him and gave him a full flip German-Suplex with Daniels landing on his face.
- Angle did a Frog-Splash.
- AJ did a Shooting-Star-Press off the top rope to hit Daniels outside the ring, all the way on the ramp.
- Angle locked the Ankle-Lock on Kazarian, and he tapped out!

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