Last Chance Qualifier:
The match started in true X division fashion with all competitors moving in the high risk fast paced style they are known for. Things finally started coming down to a few men but things got crazy outside of the ring when Mason Andrews and Jigsaw launched onto their competitors with areal assaults that can only be described as amazing. All four men were equally impressive but it was still anybody’s match. Darsow seemed to have the advantage at one point power bombing Mason Andrews and Lars Only onto the mat but Rubix capitalized on all men being down and was able to get the IMPACT WRESTLING Zone on his side. After power slamming Lars only onto the mat Mason Andrews was able to get the pin on Lars Only. This allows for Mason Andrews to move onto face Kid Kash with.

Kid Kash immediately came in to start the match and dominated Mason Andrews. Kash took full advantage and did not let up for one moment taking full advantage of his situation. Kash had many pin attempts but even after wearing down Andrews was unable to get a full count in on Mason Andrews. Andrews did seem to get in a few hits but was unable to turn things around in his favor. While attempting a high risk move off the top rope Kash was reversed by Mason Andrews and things seemed to start to return in his favor shortly after and Andrews was able to put together an offense against Kash allowing for multiple pin attempts. Mason Andrews was able to pull it together and surprise Kash with a roll up to gain the pin and become the first of four competitors to compete in the Ultimate X Tournament for the X Division title.

The match started out with the two going back and forth on the ground in a style that both seemed to be very familiar with. Though King’s style seemed to be more athletic as opposed to Williams, which was more ground and pound. King managed to gain control over Williams, though things seemed to be reversed using his experience finally keeping him to the mat. After King implemented an atomic drop and a kick to the back of Williams’ head both were laid out for a minute but soon brought things back in action. King was able to make a few pin attempts with no success. Williams did bring it to the sky flying onto King from the top outside of the ring but wasn’t enough to keep him out of the ring for the count out. King was able to finally hit an impressive move that Williams was unable to recover from that allowed for him to get the pin and move on into the Ultimate X Championship Match for later tonight.

Rashad Cameron had the upper hand over Sonjay Dutt for much of the first few minutes of the match. Rashad had a few pin attempts but was unable to follow through on the 1,2,3. Sonjay was able to turn things around and had a similar showing to what he displayed on IMPACT WRESTLING in his win. Rahad had an answer for Sonjay and with numerous high-risk moves and submission attempts but Sonjay delivered his Moonsault Stomp as an exclamation point on the match and was able to get the pin on Rashad Cameron for the win.
An update was shown on Jesse Sorenson who was seriously injured wrestling in February on IMPACT WRESTLING and is expected to make a full recovery, Jesse Sorensen was introduced and welcomed back still wearing a neck brace from his nearly career ending injury. Jesse Delivered a speech promising the crowd that he will be the X Division champion by Destination X next year. As Sorenson was leaving Zema Ion entered for his match and showed no remorse for what happened.
X Division title Tournament: Match 4
Both men did not hold back with this match and used every tool in their arsenal to break down their opponent to get the pin for the win. Flip Cassanova attempted to pull out the finishing move he used to gain the win that he used on IMPACT WRESTLING to enter the tournament but to no avail. Zema Ion after a painful move on his opponent was able to pick up the win and move on in the tournament making the four competitors for the Ultimate X Match later tonight Zema Ion, Mason Andrews, Sonjay Dutt, and Kenny King.
BFG Series Match: Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle
The two men were cautious facing off in the ring with both men seeking out the most points possible to get the upper hand in the Bound for Glory Series. Joe was dominating Angle for the first part of the match and was able to bring things outside the ring tossing Kurt outside and leaping out onto Angle in an amazing show of athleticism. Shortly after this however, things were able to turn in the favor of the Olympic Gold Medalist. Kurt was unable to maintain control of the match which switched back and forth between the two competitors with Joe getting in quite a few pin attempts as well as some submission attempts on the part of both competitors. After Angle unleashed a series of suplexes on Joe it seemed as though Joe was done. Joe geared up for a muscle buster but was reversed by Angle into and Ankle lock that was kicked out of by Joe. Joe managed to get in a muscle buster but couldn’t get the pin. After both competitors made attempts at submissions and pinfalls it finally came down to Joe seemingly knocking out Angle with the Rear Naked Choke Hold and the match was ended at the stoppage of the Senior Referee with 10 points going to Samoa Joe for the win.

Daniels started the match by attempting to run away from AJ Styles but Styles managed to catch up and unleash an assault on Daniels that went on mostly outside of the ring but eventually brining it back in where he also maintained domination over Christopher Daniels. Daniels managed to compose himself and get a few hits in on AJ and develop an offense on Styles also bringing into play a steel chair which he attempted to use on Styles but was stopped due to reversal. Daniels regained control and was able to toss Styles onto the opened chair which seemed to take quite a bit out of him. After bringing things out to the floor it became apparent that Styles was busted open and bleeding on his forehead and he appeared to be very weak for some time. Styles managed to muster up the strength to springboard onto Daniels and weaken him enough to begin an assault that made its way outside of the ring and allowed for Styles to impale Daniels into the steel stars and worked up the ramp. The men exchanged numerous blows at the top of the ramp, which was completely brutal to watch. Daniels was on the verge of countout until Kazarian came out and pushed Styles off the ramp and was nearly counted out. Styles seemed to be done and this allowed time for Daniels to grab a table from under the ring and nearly put him into the table but was stopped as AJ was able to pull things back in his favor taking out Kazarian and allowing for Styles to follow though with putting Daniels though a table from off the top of the ramp with the Styles Clash!!!
X Division Title: Ultimate X
Every man for themself in this match and with only two competitors having been a part of an Ultimate X Match it’s hard to say what one could expect in this match. Zema Ion kicked things off immediately going for the title but was immediately stopped by all 3 other competitors. All competitors began to wear down each other and Kenny king was the first to make a valid attempt for the title but was stopped by a springboard from Sonjay Dutt. Ion was the second to go for it but was stopped by King and Andrews. It was noted that Sonjay Dutt was taken out of the match but it was not clear what had happened. The three men continued and after some time Sonjay Dutt returned to the ring. Mason Andrews and Kenny attempted to make their way to the X Division Title using the ropes but both men managed to knock each other off the ropes. Meanwhile, Sonjay Dutt And Zema Ion were climbing on the steel structure towering over the Ultimate X and through using a can of hair spray Ion was able to acquire the X Division Title and become the new X Division Champion.

The match started out with both men being very cautious, as they both know what is on the line. Both men worked to put one over on the other but Aries was the first to attempt a pinfall. Aries still maintained his cocky attitude trying to get into the mind of Bobby Roode. Aries maintained dominance in the match but Roode was able to turn things around in his favor. Favor went back and forth between the two with each favoring their own respective styles that made for a an interesting type of match that one rarely sees in a World Heavyweight Championship Match. Roode was able to maintain control but ended up enraging Aries which led to Aries putting forth an offense that one wouldn’t expect Roode to come back from but he was able to bring it around. Both men were able to implement a series of submission holds on each other but neither man would submit. The back and forth continued between the two with Aries at one point bringing things high risk. Aries’ number was almost up but he was able to grab the ring rope to get out of the submission attempt. Roode made two attempts to use the belt against Aries but was stopped the first time and though successful the second time Aries managed to kick out and bring things around and after a brain buster Aries was able to get the three count and become the new World Heavyweight Champion!!
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