
Friday, August 24, 2012

Poll Closed: Raw 1,000 Highlight? (189 Votes)

Poll Closed: Raw 1,000 Highlight? (189 Votes) 
  1. Punk / Cena 69 (36%)
  2. DX Reunion 65 (34%)
  3. Undertaker 58 (30%)
  4. Lita / Trish 42 (22%)
  5. The Rock 38 (20%)
  6. Brock Lesnar 22 (11%)
  7. The Miz 16 (8%)
  8. The Wedding 12 (6%)
So it looks like the highlight of Raw 1,000 was CM Punk vs John Cena for the WWE Championship yet again. Followed by the DX reunion, and then the Undertaker making a very rare Raw appearance. The returns for both Trish and Lita was better than another return of The Rock. Brock Lesnar was a disappointment as was The Miz, but nothing was worse than the horrible wedding of AJ and Daniel Bryan.

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