That was until they fell apart...
I would say it all started to go downhill the moment Hulk Hogan left the company to return to the WWE. That is when Hogan and Bischoff stopped running the show and whoever Dixie put in charge next didn't know what they were doing.
It wasn't long before all the major talent wanted out. And they couldn't aford to keep them all anways with the company falling apart.
Rob Van Dam left as soon as his contract expired. He started with such a bag, he defeated Sting in his debut match in TNA. He went on to defeat AJ Styles for the TNA Championship belt. Which was amazing. I expected major feuds for that title between RVD and Jeff Hardy, not to mention rematches with AJ Styles. So much potential there. But none of that happened. Abyss attacked RVD with Janice the 2x4 full of nails. RVD was stripped of the title and never got another shot at it and never regained it. Instead he ended his career in TNA by losing the X-Division title to Kenny King the male stripper. I can see why he left.

I don't know what is going on with Kurt Angle, but he turned down the Hall Of Fame, then he wanted the Hall Of Fame. He should be a main event Champion, not whatever he is doing in TNA. If he is past his prime and can't do it anymore he should start wrestling part time and take it easy but not become a loser in opening matches or anything like that. He should return to the WWE where he belongs and main event a few more Wrestlemanias before he retires and then he can go into the WWE Hall Of Fame!

The biggest star in TNA history will always be AJ Styles. The one true star of TNA, and only real star that never came from the WWE. AJ Styles belongs in the WWE. He should be in main event matches with Rob Van Dam and Jeff Hardy either in TNA or WWE. I've always wanted to see him wrestle Randy Orton, I just think they would have the match of the year. The entire run of CM Punk as WWE Champion I kept thinking the best match for him would be against AJ Styles, in the old days Vince would have went out and signed AJ to bring him in even if just for that match against Punk or another match against Orton. But it seems like the WWE won't sign AJ for some reason, or AJ won't sign with them. I don't get it. He belongs in a Wrestlemania main event!
Instead of doing any of this right, TNA brought in MVP to replace Hulk Hogan running the show. Then they made Eric Young their Champion instead of any of the wrestlers I just menioned. That was so far from what they should be doing its ridiculous. I saw MVP show up as the new boss and that is when I stopped watching TNA. I never even saw EY win the belt, just saw it online. What a joke. Shame on you TNA, you had potential. You could have been the second best wrestling company in the world, maybe even a very close second to the WWE, which would be amazing. Instead it feels like Vince bought you out and is ruining you on purpose. Its too hard to watch. Just cancel your show and close the company before you embarass yourself any worse. Or get your act together. But you lost this life-long wreslting fan.
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