Tuesday, July 19, 2011

CM Punk Refuses To Resign

When Raw Started...

CM Punk's music hits and he heads to the ring with a megaphone. Punk enters the ring and asks if he has everyone's attention. He recaps being suspended last week. Punk hits the major points from his promo a couple of weeks away, and says he got in trouble because he has the balls to tell it like it is. He says he has backup tonight (the megaphone) if they cut his mic off. There is a loud "CM Punk" chant. He says he made WWE socially relevant. He said WWE only gets a mention is because of him, or if somebody died. He says ESPN and Jimmy Kimmell want Punk's story, and Vince McMahon wants to give Punk everything he wants now and that if Vince did this five years ago, he wouldn't have so much to say. Loud "CM Punk" chant again. He says Vince likes to do things that have never been done before, so he asks for Vince and him to have a live contract negotiation tonight, and says Vince may have to join the "CM Punk Kiss My Ass Club."

John Cena's music hits and he heads to the ring. Punk thanks Cena for giving him everything that he wanted and says that the belt has been far too ugly for far too long. Punk says that Cena won't really get fired. Cena says that Punk may think that he's great and the best, and HHH, Eddie Guerrero, Edge and others have thought that before him. He says he'll whip Punk's ass this Sunday.

At The End Of The Show...

Vince says he won't join the CM Punk "Kiss My Ass" club. He calls Punk a "punk" and asks Punk to come out "and get this over with." Punk comes out mocking Vince's swagger. Vince asks Punk to sign the contract presented, and says Punk's lawyer has looked over it. Punk says that Vince has no faith in Cena, and Vince says his "lack of faith" has nothing to do with him wanting to sign the contract. Vince says he put in all the provisions that Punk asked for, and called him "Phil." Punk says Vince's contract wasn't up to par, and he has a new one for Vince to sign, but he added a couple of new perks.

He asks Vince if he wants to hear the new perks, and Vince says "don't push me." Punk says provision 1 is that he gets to push him, and pushes him a couple of times. Punk says he'll push Vince all he wants and "kick him in the nuts" if he wants to. He then says that Provision 1 is that he wants a private jet, not Vince's smelly one. Provision 2 is that he wants his face on everything, and wants them to bring back the WWE ice cream bars. Awesome. That got a big pop. He wants WWE films to start production on "CM Punk: The Movie," you can call is "The Chaperone 2" except it will be funny and successful. Punk says that he wants the match between Cena and "Dwayne" to not be the main event, and that his match will be. Finally, he asks for Vince to apologize for suspending him and to apologize to the people for being one of the biggest hypocrites he's ever met, and that Vince was one of the biggest bullies he's ever met. Loud "CM Punk" chant.

Punk says that Vince will apologize for his talented friends for being unceremoniously fired, guys like Colt Cabana and Luke Gallows. "I am CM Punk and I am the voice of the voiceless, and you will apologize, AND YOU WILL LIKE IT!" Vince asks Punk to calm down and to get the contract signed and for the two of them to be gentlemen. Punk insists on an apology and then he'll sign the contract and spare Vince's company any further embarrassment.

Punk flips the table over. The crowd chants that they want an apology, Vince says he doesn't care what they want. Punk says that's his problem, and while Punk is no good guy, he cares too much and is with the people. Vince says he's sorry and Punk starts with the "What?" Vince screams, "I apologize you son of a b---h." Punk is proud, and exclaims that Vince McMahon just apologized to CM Punk. He asks Vince to sign the contract "before the stock plummets some more." A "Colt Cabana" chant breaks out. Before Vince can sign, Cena's music and he comes out yet again, once again to boos from his hometown crowd.

Cena takes the mic and says that Punk will be walking out on the people Sunday night despite them loving him. Cena says that Vince and Punk are acting like children. Cena says that there are lots of days he wants to beat up Vince and how much he hates him, but he still shows up for work for the people that paid good money. Cena calls Punk the biggest hypocrite of them all for leaving. Cena talks about how Rock said that he wouldn't leave again, and he knows Punk is not that guy, but that he has lost sight of everything.

Punk cuts him off and talks about being an extra at 'Mania 22 and says that Cena has lost sight. He says that Cena presents himself as an underdog like Boston's teams, but what he's no longer an "underdog" and he is a "dynasty" and that he has become the New York Yankees. Cena punched Punk and Punk took off to the back screaming that he's the underdog. He then takes the mic again at the top of the stage and sits down and says that he has something to say. Punk then said it hit him why he wants to leave. He said he's "tired of this," "tired of Cena" and "just tired." He says this Sunday, say goodbye to the WWE title, say goodbye to John Cena and say goodbye to John Cena. Great ending, even though Punk has to sell the Cena-firing angle that no one believes will happen.

After The Show Went Off The Air...

Cena called out Punk, defending Boston. He then said that two men that hate each other shouldn't wrestle; they should be in a street fight. A referee came out, and Punk's music hit. Punk met Cena at the ramp and they began to fight around the ringside area. Punk stopped and blew Cena's wife a kiss, then threw Cena into the stairs. Punk then got on the mic and congratulated Derek Jeter and himself before attempting to pin Cena, which got a two-count. Punk hit Cena with a chair, and when Cena got to his feet, they began to exchange punches. Punk got Cena into a sleeper, but Cena rolled out. Punk left the ring to argue with Cena's wife, and Cena's dad slapped him. Punk got back into the ring and walked right into the Attitude Adjustment for the three-count.


  1. While many are speculating that CM Punk has either signed a new contract or a contract extension, there is no official word going around on his status. There are only a select few who know the deal.

  2. i bet he gets paid a fortune (lol) to come back and main event wrestlemania against triple h haha


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