Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Survivor Series 2011

Opening match, Dolph Ziggler defended his United States Championship against John Morrison instead of Zack Ryder. Ziggler won the match against Morrison but then was attacked by Ryder! 

Next was the Lumber-Jill's Match between Divas Champion Beth Phoenix and challenger Eve. It was a short match but there was an awesome finish. Beth hit her finishing move off the top rope on Eve who landed face first into the mat and was out cold for the three-count.

The Traditional Survivor Series Match. 
Team Orton:  
Randy Orton, Sheamus, Mason Ryan, Kofi Kingston & Sin Cara 
Team Barrett:  
Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes, Jack Swagger, Hunico & Dolph Ziggler
First elimination, Orton RKO on Ziggler. Then Sin Cara injured his knee jumping over the top rope and was eliminated because of injury. Cody Rhodes then hit his finisher Cross-Rhodes on Mason Ryan for the next elimination. Wade Barrett then eliminated Kofi Kingston. After that Sheamus snapped and started destroying everyone on team Barrett. However, the referee disqualified Sheamus after he failed to stop dropping a knee on Swagger who was in the ropes for a five-count. Before Sheamus left the ring though he hit Swagger with his big kick. Orton crawled in the ring and covered Swagger for the three-count. This now meant that Orton was left alone against Rhodes, Hunico, and Barrett. Hunico launched into the ring off the top rope only to be caught in an RKO and eliminated. Still, the two on one advantage proved to be too much for Orton who was distracted by Rhodes, then hit with the Wasteland by Barrett and pinned for the final elimination. 
Team Barrett wins! Surviving Members: Wade Barrett & Cody Rhodes!

World Championship. Champion Mark Henry. Challenger Big Show. 
Big Show dominated the match, he even dropped an elbow off the top rope. Unfortunately, Mark Henry kicked him in the balls and got disqualified in order to save his title. However, after the match was over the Big Show knocked Henry out with the Weapon-Of-Mass-Destruction. Big Show then took a steel chair, placed it around Henry's ankle, and dropped a leg-drop on it to break Henry's ankle. Payback for what Henry did to Big Show at Money In The Bank. 

WWE Champion
WWE Championship. Champion Alberto Del Rio. Challenger CM Punk.
Punk dominated the match, but there was a scare when Del Rio was able to lock on his trademark Arm-Breaker. Punk was able to reach the bottom rope with his feet to break the hold. Punk then went on to lock in the Anaconda Vise and Del Rio tapped out! Punk is the new WWE Champion! He is now a 2 time WWE Champion and a 3 time World Champion. (5 time Champion). And he is the "new face of the WWE" as he calls it. 

Main Event. The Rock & John Cena vs R-Truth & The Miz. 
The crowd went nuts cheering for The Rock. The crowd hated Cena. Rock started the match and dominated. He tagged in Cena who sucked as usual. Miz and Truth beat up Cena for the rest of the match, until Cena finally tagged in The Rock. He hit the Rock Bottom, he used the Sharp-Shooter, and once Cena knocked Truth out of the ring, The Rock hit the People's Elbow on The Miz for the win. 

After the match The Rock and John Cena took turns appealing to the crowd. The Rock was cheered and Cena was booed. Afterwards, The Rock hit Cena with the Rock-Bottom and the crowd cheered. It was a good ending to the show. Though, if Cena would have hit The Rock with the Attitude Adjustment he would have probably been booed and could have probably started a turn to be the Heel in this rivalry, which I think he should do. The way it stands now, they are both trying to out do each other as the good guy, and The Rock is clearly more popular. I think this would be a perfect time for Cena to finally try going Heel, but the WWE will never do it. Even if The Rock goes Heel the crowd will still cheer him over Cena so there really is no point. 

Overall, it was a great PPV. I would have rather seen Zack Ryder win the United States Championship, but other than that I was happy with the whole show!

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