Saturday, February 4, 2012

New TNA Ideas

TNA should change the name of their World Heavyweight Championship to include the word "Wrestling" now that the WWE is clearly just a reality TV show. They already cashed in with the whole "where wrestling matters" campaign, but I say take it even further. Honestly, I don't think Bobby Roode should be that Champion, but I won't waste more time arguing that point. It is what it is. 

What I would focus on is the other Championships. Start with the Tag-Team division. I would have Bully Ray and Scott Steiner team up to merge the two greatest tag-teams of all time (The Dudleys and The Steiners), and have them win the TNA Tag-Team Championships from Crimsion and Matt Morgan. They would be the enforcers for the "New Immortal" which would be run by Ric Flair and Eric Bischoff, and be centered around the Champion Bobby Roode. 

Next I would have Kurt Angle be brought in to that group and asked to go out and bring back the other TNA Championships (X-Division and Television), which Angle would easily win. I would unveil a new X-Division Championship with a Red strap, and a new Television Championship with a Blue strap. I would make them more impressive looking titles. 

Now the "New Immortal" would hold every Men's Championship. So I would have Gail Kim and Madison Rayne come out and join the "New Immortal" as the Female members, that way they would hold the Knockouts Championship and Tag-Team Championships. I would present Gail Kim with a new Knockouts Championship. It would have the same White strap, but it would have the words Knockout Champion on the gold plate rather than Womans Champion, which it currently has. I would also do the same with the Knockouts Tag-Team Championships, so they say Knockout and not Woman, and I would change their Red strap to Pink straps since the X-Division now has the Red strap. 

I really like the idea of colourized Championship belts and bringing the whole Heel faction together. But I would not have them last for long. This is just to bring the change about. Then its open season for new Babyfaces to rise up and challenge them all for their respective championships. Create new Tag-Teams, build up the X-Division, make the Television Championship matter, and take the Knockouts Division more seriously. I would also have as many big names win the smaller championships as possible to give them more credibility. I would rather hold the TNA Television Championship and say such wrestlers as Rob Van Dam and Jeff Hardy have held this same title than say Eric Young and Robbie E have held this title. That sounds pathetic.

Anyways, those are just some of my ideas for today... if TNA needs anymore help they can contact me lol.

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